[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 7 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Plenty of us live nowhere near any skiable snow. It isn’t particularly surprising to hear about, but not everyone sees the snow receding for themselves over decades. Personally, I find it bizarre that the focus of this article is primarily on the migration of a sport and barely touches on the ecological impact for all the species that are adapted to and dependent on snowy weather. We don’t need skiing to live.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

These polygamist Mormon cults have a long history of child abuse. It is relevant that they continue to arrange child marriages and facilitate child abuse even as their previous leader is spending the rest of his life in prison for the exact same thing.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 6 points 6 months ago

It is the same group, Warren Jeffs is technically still that group’s leader from prison, but Samuel Bateman started telling followers that Jeffs died in prison to convince them he is their new prophet and they need to give up their minor daughters to him as wives.


[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 7 points 6 months ago

If you said “I brought some guys back to my place last night”, do you really think people would be imagining a mixed gender group? Do you think they would ever imagine you brought a group of women back with you when you said that? Guys is masculine sometimes used to generalize across a group that includes non-males. It only applies when at least one male is around.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I have a cat that has been an overeater since birth. His siblings would nurse until they were full and then back off to take a little cat nap, but he would nurse until mom left the box the kittens were in and he couldn’t get to her anymore. I feed each of my cats on a schedule and each has a separate place to eat so they can’t steal from each other. Left over food from the other cats gets picked up before the overeater is let out. There are a lot of complicated slow feeders on the market, but a cheap and simple one has worked great for me. It is a narrow, deep bowl with a wide lip that he can only pull a few pieces of food out of at a time with his paw. Wet food hasn’t been as much of a problem with vomiting, so I haven’t tried any slow feeders meant for wet food. Mine eat wet food in the morning and dry food in the evening.

I am linking the feeder I own, I haven’t seen one by any other brands but the design is so simple that they might exist if this one isn’t available near you or you may even be able to craft a DIY version. https://catit.us/products/catit-multi-feeder

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 5 points 7 months ago

What makes you think this isn’t how I code? Offices love me, this is way cheaper than a bunch of ergonomic equipment.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 5 points 8 months ago

Actually, the premiere of Alberta is trying to privatize the province’s healthcare. Just look up pretty much any Danielle Smith speech on health care, it is insane what she is attempting. I have come to the conclusion that Alberta is the Texas of Canada. They love the oil industry, hate the government, want to privatize everything, and even have their own half-hearted secession movement.

For that matter, Alberta even toyed with replacing the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with their own local provincial police. I am American so I don’t entirely understand the situation, but it sounds about like if Texas decided to kick out the FBI and have the Texas Rangers take over FBI duties within the state.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Ok now I am curious where you live that you have to provide ID to shop. Here in the US we scan the items and then swipe our payment card, the ID is only used to check your age for tobacco and alcohol purchases which can’t be sold to minors. An employee has to come look at the ID to make sure a minor hasn’t borrowed someone else’s, so it doesn’t even get scanned. Employees just swipe their work badge and confirm that they checked your age.

As for the pain, a lot of self checkout systems have very limited space and can be awkward to run all your items through. Manned stations have the conveyor so you can unload multiple items from your cart at a time to be scanned. They also have more end space so you can have room to bag everything if you are doing a big shopping trip.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 6 points 10 months ago

This is an old article, but Carter did recently visit a peanut festival or parade of some sort. I was surprised someone in hospice was well enough to go out for a drive. The people I knew that entered hospice weren't well enough for that kind of outing except maybe the first week or so after they switched to hospice care from the regular prolong your life kind of treatment.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 6 points 1 year ago

Sarcasm in person generally comes with a distinctive tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language that are lacking in text-only communication. If people know you well enough in a text chat, they can often make assumptions about your seriousness based on what they know of your beliefs, but we are on an anonymous message board here. The people here have no experience with whether or not you are naive or a jokester or seriously confused. There's a reason it became standard to mark sarcasm on reddit with /s, it is the simplest replacement for the missing tone and body language context that would go along with a statement if we were communicating face to face.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 8 points 1 year ago

Edge is a chromium browser, too. It has been for some time now.

[-] Zitronensaft@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

That's my kid's primary way of communicating with friends. It's popular among high school students, or at least the band nerd subset of high school students.

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