Bloc Of Organized Bolivaran States?
For those needing navigational assistance, it's practically in the middle of the map, just north of the equator. And heed the old advice: if you keep playing with your sextant, you're going to go blind.
Still waiting for someone to find the Chad–Libya Internationalist Territory.
Don't talk to me about mathemisogynists, always talking about identities but conveniently ignoring the ones that challenge any inequality, gaslighting me with an insistence that I'm being irrational and hyperbolic. Justice for polyshedra and polytheydra!
How often were they allowed to leave?
They forgot the far-left-wing academics in that line.
It's a line of countries. Is this idiot saying we should get a homeland of our own? Who do we get to kick out of their homes?
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
The 13th Amendment, still in effect (and therefore defended) is the "I'm not racist, but..." of the US constitution.
It's "all struggles matter" and it sucks.
Now that that thread has also been removed, who wants to speculate on how this loser's vendetta is going to escalate?
Can't we at least try?
Who can say? But I'd bet on the Vanguard Union of Lao–Việt Assemblies getting rubbed out.