
joined 2 years ago
[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm so glad you linked the Wolf Parade song and not She Drives Me Crazy.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Here's what's really fucked up, though: These cops charged their victim with three felonies (these articles don't say which ones) and later dropped them to two misdemeanors when the video came out, then dropped the charges entirely when it looked like they didn't have a case. None of the cops - including the one who left a domestic violence call to beat a man up for flipping him off as he passed - have been charged with anything. The only charges filed in this case have been bogus ones against the victim of police violence.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 10 points 1 month ago

Ditto, this and Yakuake, which is great at keeping it out of the way until I need it.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 6 points 1 month ago (3 children)

No American presidential candidate ever represents Americans' best interests. It is not possible to vote in your best interests here.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago

Lol, I've used a web service monitor platform called Wormly before.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

And the other side of that token is that people shouldn't have to rely on churches for survival. I'm sure you do good work, and I generally have no grief with (f/ex) the unitarians who also do good community work, but churches (and secular aid orgs, etc.) do not make society on their own and should not take the fall or bear responsibility for the failings of capitalism.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago

So... My father is a retired cop who used to abuse the shit out of me and my brother. Used to brag at the dinner table about arresting people for a crime he called "POPO" (that's Pissing Off a Police Officer). He simultaneously won't accept that these actions are abuses of his authority and power. He sees himself as a "good cop" among a majority of "good cops". So he doesn't even recognize his abuse as abusive.

So he doesn't understand why I tell his autistic grandsons not to talk to cops. He doesn't get that autistic people have processing delays and may not be able to understand an instruction, especially when it is being shouted at them in a high stress situation. Or that they may not be able to turn an instruction into the correct body movement. Or they may need clarification on the instruction, or like, just not be bossed around in the first place.

He completely flipped out, as a matter of fact, becoming verbally abusive toward me when I supported my decision with some uncomfortable citations (he had the same look on his face as he used to get when he would beat me, which caused some PTSD flare ups over the following months, but he did not strike, probably because he knew I'd have prosecuted his ass). He wound up on some insane rant about Jesus and God and love. Absolute delusional refusal of the notion that someone might not be a bootlicking sycophant for every cop in the universe by default, or that someone might feel uncomfortable around a person with outsized power and influence over them and a gang of others in the same position a radio call away.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 1 points 1 month ago

This would fundamentally break the Unix/Posix functionality of layering file systems. All containerization would break. You would lose the ability to map in one filesystem's content within another's. I don't think the right way to get people used to Linux is to fundamentally break it.

File managers - even the dogshit one you get with Gnome - already register external storage devices in a list that's shown no matter where in the file system you are. Assigning a drive letter doesn't clarify anything. What beginner/grandpa is even looking at the contents of the FS root?

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 4 points 1 month ago

You forgot outright refusal to engage with reality.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Tell that to my Catholic trumper parents.

[–] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 7 points 1 month ago

My partner and I go to the basement and see who can do the best job of it. We have an underground wrap battle.


Hey everyone. After inheriting a bunch of old records, I started dipping my toes into this whole vinyl thing and... I think I'm hooked. I'd like to step a bit farther into this, but the deeper I get the more there seems to be to read up on. I'm beginning to get a little paralyzed by it, so I thought I'd ask for some direction from more wizened vinyl-loving elders.

I initially had one of those little suitcase players with the garbage tinny speakers. Then I got some self-powered speakers that greatly improved my willingness to use the device. Especially for old records that haven't been particularly well cared for, when I was already accepting some pop and static, that made me start using it more. Then I upgraded the turntable to an Audio-Technica one - one of their entry-level budget-type devices - and that made me go all in.

So at this point, I have a collection of over 200 records, new and old, and I almost exclusively listen to them these days when I'm in my office. The stylus that came with the turntable wore out, so I bought a new one, upgrading to a microlinear stylus. Sounds fantastic.

But now I want some passive speakers that I can control through my receiver, and I'm finding that to be a more expensive item with a lot of options I don't really know how to parse through. So that's a good place to start. What's a good set of small-ish passive speakers (to fit on or near the shelf I have the turntable on) that a guy can buy on a budget?

I have also noticed a lot of static and pop and... "sparkle"? on even brand new records. This I attribute to static electricity. I live in northern Colorado, the air is exceedingly dry here, and I can hardly walk across a room lately without picking up enough static to power my house through the winter. I have some anti-static inner sleeves that are nice, but they don't really get rid of the charge on the records. There seem to be a ton of different products for taking that out, but it's hard to know what the best thing is to buy, and some of it gets quite expensive pretty quick.

What else am I missing that will improve my vinyl collecting and playback experience? Best ways to clean old records? Take the warp out? Things I don't even know I need to know yet?


I like the flow state I get into when I'm focusing on small detailed things.


Fight the real enemy


Using a desktop browser, I click "Communities" in the top-left, taking me to https://lemm.ee/communities Now I see a list of communities, and I can filter by those I'm subbed to, those on the local instance, and "all" federated communities. This all works well. However, I would like to sort this list by the number of subscribers. The column header changes the mouse cursor so it looks clickable, but nothing apparently happens. There are no messages in the JavaScript console, and no requests are made to the server.

So I dug in a little bit and found that the ListCommunities API call supports a "sort" field. However, the valid SortType values it refers to don't appear to align very well with the fields on the Communities page. I tried a handful of odd sort values in the URL like ?sort=Hot but they didn't change anything in the results.

Is this just a not-yet-implemented feature? If I were to raise an issue against the source code about this, what would be the appropriate codebase to do that in?

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