[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 115 points 1 month ago

My favourite bit is when Wikipedia itself is like "the 10,000 claim was made by one dude who basically instantly retracted it and claimed the still unplausibly high number of 2,000".

Also, the Tank Man photographer talks about the protestors throwing molotov cocktails and beating police officers to death.

And the whole "China pretends it didn't happen"...they have official death estimates. 300 people. The US have their own estimate. 900 people. But no matter the number, it was much fewer than the protest leaders had hoped for.

To quote one of the protest leaders "What we actually are hoping for is bloodshed, the moment when the government is ready to brazenly butcher the people. Only when the Square is awash with blood will the people of China open their eyes" - Chai Ling

By the way, that person is alive and well running a firm that fires people for not praying at work.

submitted 1 month ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/news@hexbear.net
[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 48 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It's not just America though.

Where I'm from:

UK average income before tax) £34,963 - £27,911 after tax (assuming NO student loan and NO pension) (for context: a band 3 nurse with 3 years experience makes £24,336 before tax or £20,631.51 after with no pension)

England average house price: £375,131

Approx ratio after tax: 13:1

Minimum deposit: 5% - £18,756.55

Tax: 0% on first time buyers

Fees: about £1,000 - £5,000

Total cost to get going: Approx £21,750 - nearly a years wage.

Now let's look where I live: Spain!

Turns out Spain really is a load of countries wearing a hat so getting unified stats is not easy. Let's try Barcelona:

Average income before tax: €33,837 - €25,470 after tax

Average house price: €376,399

Approx ratio after tax: 15:1

Minimum deposit: 10% - €37,639.90

Purchase tax: 10% - €37,639.90 (plus 1.5% for new builds)

Fees: 2 - 5% - 7,527.98 - 18,819.95

Total cost to get going: €82,807.78 - €94,099.75

Turns out treating housing as a market to speculate on might just be the problem all along.

submitted 1 month ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/news@hexbear.net
[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 158 points 1 month ago

"We invented a new kind of calculator. It usually returns the correct value for the mathematics you asked it to evaluate! But sometimes it makes up wrong answers for reasons we don't understand. So if it's important to you that you know the actual answer, you should always use a second, better calculator to check our work."

Then what is the point of this new calculator?

Fantastic comment, from the article.

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 64 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Fun fact! Cuba has a vaccine for lung cancer - ~~yes, it works and has been independently verified. No, you can't have it because embargo.~~

EDIT: vaccine here isn't actually what I thought. In this case it is a treatment to be used for certain kinds of lung cancer, not a preventative measure as we are used to thinking of Vaccine. Thanks to the comment below for going through it and pushing me to do proper research.

While my initial take was a glib link to a wikipedia page and not thoroughly researched, I do sill believe that the embargo has directly caused this treatment to come to market in the west as the levels of cooperation are non-existent. It has been used for 7 years in Cuba but is only now entering Stage 3 trials in the US.

Cuba have also became the first country to have 0 mother-child transmissions of HIV.

But the US has decided that working with Cuba to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths each year (in the States alone) is less important than causing "economic dissatisfaction and hardship" to the Cuban people.

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 55 points 2 months ago

This is basically the argument Castro makes in "My Life" as to why revolutions tend to start with someone that is a descendent of the capitalist class (Castro - father was a plantation owner; Lenin - father was a state councillor and appointed to the hereditary nobility; Mao - father was a moneylender and one of the wealthiest farmers in the region)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/godot@programming.dev

Before the humble bundle came out, I bought the GameDev.tv "complete" Godot course - I had a good early bird discount since I've used them for Unity.

Over the past few years, I have completed the 2D, 3D, and several of the RPG intermediate courses for unity as well as a Blender course so was super excited for this new one!

And then was super disappointed.

I start with the 2D course every time and this one was...hollow. Super empty. Maybe a quarter of the content as the Unity course with a lot of basic things missing and some really bad practice promoted. I did the whole course on 1.25x speed and still had to skip through a lot of waffle.

I'm now doing courses for free on Youtube and have learnt far, far more.

It really is a shame as I'm a fan of GameDev.tv, but they really missed the mark with the Godot offering.

EDIT: clarity

submitted 3 months ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/godot@programming.dev

Hi! I've been making games for a little while, though nothing too fancy - mostly mobile platformers, delivery games, and visual novels. I recently moved from Unity to Godot and finished the "Complete" Godot 2D course on Gamedev.tv.

I want to challenge myself and have a really strong design for an AR mobile game. I have never programmed an AR app before. I have found dozens of courses/tutorials for Unity, but none for Godot.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've read the documentation, but would much rather a hands on tutorial or course.

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 64 points 3 months ago

weak aptitude for language learning

This is such bullshit. As a Brit abroad, our problem is weak language education. We are taught to such a poor degree and we are not taught how to learn a language. It's been the biggest struggle of my adult life trying to get conversational and after a year I am still way behind my cohorts - it's not some genetic predisposition to being bad at language learning, but a lack of language infrastructure in childhood.

submitted 3 months ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/nomanssky@lemmy.world

Came but to NMS after about 2 years off. Played a new permadeath game with a friend, no other options changed from normal. But I couldn't last more than a few minutes.

Had to sprint to ferrus, I had to sprint to sodium, and even then I died about 50% of the time. Three sodium plants got me to maybe 30% hazard protection. My hazard protection was ticking down at 1% per second. Falling from any height (even jetpack softened) meant my jetpack broke.

And after four attempts, I finally got the ship and recharged to max with a good ten harvested sodium plants before going off on the Hermetic Seal quest. Half way there, the game throws a storm at me. Totally open ground, no shelter at all. And my entire stock of Sodium goes in seconds and then I die.

My friend's hazard protection was going down a lot slower, even when we were next to each other and his sodium filled him up a lot more (he said about 50 to full, I needed over 100 to full).

No idea what I did wrong.

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 40 points 4 months ago

US: Let's send weapons to our allies that are at war! Iran: We'll do the same! US: shocked Pikachu face

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 46 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Tired of writing this, the hand wringing over university property being compared to ~30k lives and ~600k starving people has to stop.

This painting is not some culturally important piece of art. It’s a little over 100 years old (literally painted the same year my Granddad was born), hanging in a university, of a man that was responsible for massacres in Ireland (Mitchelstown Massacre) which got him the name “Bloody Balfour”, openly said that black people should be treated worse than white people, and was a known anti-semite that brought about the Aliens Act of 1905 to try and keep Jewish people out of Britain & Ireland.

Imagine a group of Princeton students cutting up a minor painting of Jefferson Davies hanging in their halls and you get roughly the same amount of "cultural loss".

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 80 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Man in 30s married to a half-Filipina woman here. When we went to visit for our honeymoon it was really gross. LOTS of very, very old men with teenage girls.

I had women falling out of their chairs to look at me.

I had a woman literally fall over while trying to ogle me while walking down the street.

For our goodbye dinner, her Ate toasted us by saying "You have fulfilled all our dreams: you've married a white man."

I had several people say how ugly they were because they were Filipino.

EVERY convenience store and super market had skin whitening creams.

It was my first experience of the Philippines and the first experience I had of racial fetishism. My wife got preferential treatment for being Mestizos.

The Spanish did a real number over there with their racial hierarchy bullshit.

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 48 points 5 months ago

Your title made me wonder: would NASA get more funding if they strapped AR-15s onto the rovers and called it a liberation mission...

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/adhd@lemmy.world

Recently I feel like I'm working, sleeping, or waiting for work to start. I hate it, I can't figure out how to break this waiting mode. Does anyone have any advise?

EDIT: That ADHD moment where you see loads of people have given great advice, but there's so much it's overwhelming! Thank you all, I'll try and go through and implement what I can

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 44 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

As an immigrant living in Spain: Vox make election day terrifying. I just don't leave the house (immigrants can't vote in Spain).

I'm not a small guy, ex-competitve weight lifter and 6'2, but those people are nuts and it isn't worth the risk.

submitted 6 months ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/books@lemmy.ml

I've been diving headfirst into the world of short story magazines and found some absolute gems!!

Khoreo Magazine has been my absolute favourite so far! I 100% recommend it. Diaspora-focused speculative fiction, usually with very novel story telling techniques and beautiful artwork.

Clarkesworld I've found to be pretty hit and miss, though the hits make it worth it! Some really great new and established authors with vivid sci-fi stories.

CRAFT has been great for a more literary and CNF bent.

Do you subscribe to any creative magazines? If so, which ones? If not, why not?

submitted 6 months ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/writing@beehaw.org

What do you want to achieve this year as a writer and how's it going?

I'm writing a drabble a day and posting them online. I'm editing a short story and want to send it off to some magazines. And I'm reading way more than usual!

[-] astreus@lemmy.ml 64 points 6 months ago

Shower thought: if everyone gives a % of their labour value to the government it's called taxes and is evil communism. If everyone gives a % of their labour value to an individual it's called capitalism and is glorious. How does that mental gymnastics work?

submitted 6 months ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/writing@beehaw.org

I'm looking for a place to share my short stories and flash fiction, get comments and critiques, and give feedback in return. There are a fair few websites but they all seem to either focus on smut or fanfiction. Do you have any recommendations for active writing communities?


Flicking through the front page and around half of all posts have the world "rule" in the title. What's that about?

submitted 7 months ago by astreus@lemmy.ml to c/communism@lemmygrad.ml

From Fall of Eagles

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