[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 10 points 12 hours ago

Yeah, outrage distribution networks are awful. I still smell my 15-month-old's scalp after a bath. I'm going to miss it when the "baby smell" completely disappears.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 7 points 13 hours ago

Tbf, I thought the exact same thing. B/O would be the right input for dodge/backstep in all From's Souls games, including Bloodborne and Elden Ring.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 7 points 14 hours ago

How are any of these comparable? Multiple people were killed/injured from those attacks, so I'm confused by your comment. What point are you trying to make?

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 43 points 1 day ago

But what if we use AI in robots and have them go out with giant vacuums to suck up all the bad gasses?

My climate change solution consultation services are available for hire anytime.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 59 points 1 day ago

Sadly, they were eaten.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

True enough, but I think their aim is at citizens moreso than politicians. I would wager a lot of average folks probably weren't even aware of the law being passed, stuff like this brings it more attention. Is it effective? No idea, I don't live in Idaho. I wouldn't be surprised it isn't that effective, given how conservative most of Idaho is. But, I can respect libraries from at least trying to do something about it.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 30 points 2 days ago

This post is pretty out of context. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/10/idaho-libraries-must-move-materials-deemed-harmful-to-children-or-face-lawsuits-under-new-law/

Some libraries are doing things like this as a form of protest. The law doesn't require such a stringent process as this, but that's irrelevant. What's relevant is the law is infringing on freedom of speech by regulating libraries' content.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Possibly. The SCOTUS ruling essentially kicked it down to lower courts to decide what's an official act or not. Trump installed a ton of judges across the country to various federal courts. It could easily backfire on Biden if he tried anything.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Possibly the calm before the storm. I'm worried that it won't be protests that comes next, but armed violence. But who knows, Americans have been made docile and apathetic as fuck. Even if they protested and took to the streets, it's barely had an impact in the last 20 years. Look at the explosive reaction after George Floyd and all the resulted from that was some minor reform in some places.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 37 points 3 days ago

This is absolutely a GOP issue. They're the ones doing all of this and also the only ones pushing to go further. The example you used isn't even close to the same league as what's being discussed: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Abdulrahman_al-Awlaki

Was it fucked up the kid got killed by a CIA-ordered air strike? Absolutely. But it's not nearly as black and white as you make it out to be and is a far cry different than what is now possible for a US president to do based on the SCOTUS ruling last week.

[-] bassomitron@lemmy.world 36 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Ackshually, being too close to high power radio frequencies isn't safe. I remember at one base I was stationed at in Afghanistan, there was a smoke spot we all used to take breaks at. For some reason, I started developing really bad headaches and feeling kind of nauseous. I figured I was just acclimating to the local climate or something. After a few weeks, I was up on our building installing one of our satcom dishes on top of it when I noticed something. Right on the other side of the fence of that smoke area, was a ~2m high powered dish pointing just above above where the smoke area was. I pointed this out to the Norwegians that ran the camp and the break area was promptly moved, lol.

But seriously, I do not understand the anti-5G nutters.

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