[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 18 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

I too would think that, had I just woken up from a coma and not known about the four press secretaries under Trump.

Edit: oh wait, the felonious traitor had five:

The Mooch, Spicer, Sarah "FuckTheCountry" Sanders, Stephanie "Never gave one press conference" Grisham and Kayleigh "My cross necklace proves how KKKhristian I am" McEnany.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 2 points 13 hours ago

Oh, so I can increase my $MEME_COIN by shit posting myself?

Holy shit, you've sold me!

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 2 points 14 hours ago

Or some South African emerald-mine nepo baby can change how much is in your account just by shitting on social media.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 3 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Just ask those dickholes how many times they've had the chance to vote for JP Morgan Chase's or Walmart's or ExxonMobil's CEO.

Then ask them how many opportunities they've had to elect Presidents and Congressmembers.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 5 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

Paramount has been trying to get bought out by Skydance, so they've been cutting costs to make themselves look more attractive. They probably believe that the long term earning potential of the Star Trek property is in the SNW brand and not LD. I personally suspect that when SNW is over we'll see a rebooted TOS using the lore foundation SNW has laid. (Also I could be misremembering, but wasn't Balance of Terror supposed to have been the first time the Federation interacted with the Romulans in a long time? That would also be a contradiction created by SNW.)

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 4 points 14 hours ago

It will be forever hilarious to me just how the end of GoT wiped it from our collective consciousness. There were so many memes and references for years- Hodor, MUH KWEEN, Da king in da norf, R+L=J, "Winter is coming!"- and the second the last episode aired it just fucking vanished.

To your point though, I would argue that had the last season not happened, we would think of GoT as a great show that ended poorly due to the decline in quality for the last couple of seasons.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 16 points 15 hours ago

Isn't it amazing that the people advocating for a "STricT mERITocrACY" conspicuously ignore their meritocracy is very monochromatic?

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 37 points 15 hours ago

The central tenet of conservatism, whether they're consciously aware of it or not, is a belief in hierarchies. There is a stratification to society that must be maintained, which of course manifests a king or oligarchy at the top.

Men are above women.

The rich are above the poor.

Whites are above everyone else.

They don't care about religion or nationality except as tools to maintain that hierarchy.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 3 points 16 hours ago

Running a red light in the middle of nowhere with no traffic is a victimless crime.

Intentionally causing additional monetary damages on someone is not. Even if the cardholders didn't have to pay for his fraud, somebody has to.

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 8 points 16 hours ago

Trump got too many votes in 2016, and even more than that in 2020, and you're surprised at how uninformed American voters are?

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 30 points 17 hours ago

Even Republicans

Yeah, but they mean all that for other people, not me!

...hey, what's that leopard staring at me for?

[-] billiam0202@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago

My dude, nobody denies that a ~~wartime~~ special military operation economy is good in the short term.

The problem is, you're spending money on things you're going to blow up instead of spending on things that will generate a positive ROI.


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