I get it but imagine the GPU style markup when all mobos have a set amount of RAM. You'll have two identical boards except for $30 worth of memory with a price spread of $200+. Not fun.
Why do we need both congress and the judiciary? Can't congress kick him out all by themselves?
Many times. Although they are often drunk so maybe it doesn't count? Or maybe it's unfiltered and true. The folks who didn't vote really see all options as corrupt and want the end of this dumb story but they would pick the option that caused less pain if they were already in the booth.
I do. I think all the Trump people put in the work and showed up. The people who didn't bother to show probably would have leaned toward making their own lives better instead of other people's lives worse.
I've paid my taxes in the USA my whole adult life so... :( Still I really wish people had showed up to the polls in the US on Nov 5th.
True. Stating the obvious is something children are pretty good at. That's one childish behavior I'm glad I haven't outgrown.
I'm complicit for sure. I kept going to work. I paid my taxes. It's fucking hard. I also protested and boycotted and donated but that resistance doesn't excuse that I was complicit as were almost all adults in the USA and quite a large group around the Earth.
Yeah. A little bit. :(
Sometimes I wonder if the dems wanted to lose so so they would be Trump supporters.
Buttigieg is so smart and well spoken. I wish he was an option.