Well, the corrupt people at the top did, yeah. The everyday person is just trying to survive.

Fun fact: you can't drink the tap water in Jackson. There's a bunch of lead in the water system. The government doesn't give a shit about fixing it because most of the white people moved out to the suburbs a long time ago.

I last visited Jackson in late 2023, BTW. Still couldn't drink the water.


I really do wish that things will get better in Mississippi. Lotta cool art and people there. Lotta voices that need to be heard but have been squashed by the system.

As someone from Alabama we say it exclusively about Mississippi


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/13998559

Reaching Out For Help

After much consideration and fighting with my brain, I've decided that it's okay to ask for help in hard situations. So, I'm making this in hope that I receive at least a little bit of help. I'm asking for money, friends, and any advice you can give me. Everything counts and will help me during this rather terrible time. I'm Uni (name TBD) and I'm a 16 y/o transgirl unfortunately situated in the USA. You may know me as a regular on the Blahaj Matrix chats going by "Miss Universe".

So a little bit (a lot?) of backstory to sort of explain my current situation. My egg cracked October last year and it was both the best and worst thing that has happened in my life so far. Being a minor means that I can't really do anything about the fact that my egg cracked, I'm fully relying on the people around me to help me (which has failed). Put simply, as a minor I have absolutely no control over my body or my life, I have no money, no experience, and nowhere to go.

I came out to my mother and step-father (my parents are divorced) February this year, and while they seemed to be supportive at first they semi-recently turned on me and have been mostly unsupportive since then.

As for my father and step-mother, they are both actively transphobic republicans. I have no plans on coming out to them until after I turn 18, and it would be unsafe to do so before then.

Basically, as of now I have basically no support from anybody in my life and I'm completely trapped as my dysphoria gets worse with each passing day.

With my situation sort of explained(?), why am I actually here? Pretty much I'm here because I need money. Money for clothes, makeup, just stuff that can hopefully help me alleviate some of my dysphoria until I'm able to afford to do so myself (which as a minor is difficult). And also I suppose gas, in case it comes to it and I need to run away, even for a short period. I'm also looking for advice, I don't really know what to do and it would be really nice to have at least some semblance of what I could be doing right now.

I don't really know if any of that made sense, I'm bad at organizing my thoughts and even worse at asking for help. If you have any questions post them in the comments and I can probably answer them.

You can support me here on Buy Me a Coffee if you so wish, and/or with advice in the comments. Every donation counts.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/ftm@lemmy.blahaj.zone

I'm curious what yalls expierence with this is

Favorite Binder So Far (www.underworks.com)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/13660667

I got this "binder" recently. I like it better than any one I've had so far (I'd estimate that I've gone through about eight from various brands).


-Very breathable, can exercise in it without feeling like death

-Not terrible in hot weather

-Doesn't show under a lot of shirts, though if you have a shirt with a wide neck it'll show, but does look like an undershirt as opposed to a bra since the neck is high.

-Helps with hiding hip fat

-Feels natural. I forget I'm wearing this sometimes. Probably would be fine sleeping in it as well, though it's good practice to take breaks.


-If you have a bigger chest this isn't gonna do the best of jobs binding since it's got less compression than a typical binder. It's still not the worst option in that case, but you won't look completely flat. It's worked well for me flatness wise.

-I wouldn't wear this by itself because it doesn't fit like a regular shirt. Definitely looks an undergarment.

-It smells like a McDonald's playground right out of the package. I recommend you add baking soda into the wash to get the smell out faster.

-I suspect this will stretch out the longer I use it. The solution is to dry it on low as opposed to air dry it. It's got cotton in it so it'll shrink.

I recommend you only get it in black or white if your concern is passing. A lot of cis men will wear undershirts (typically in white, sometimes black, but never in nude).

If you're in-between measurements, order a size up. I made the mistake of getting a size down and I wasn't even able to get it over my head. Had to exchange it which took a while.

If you're interested in a binder with flatter coverage I will post a review of the underworks ultimate binder if requested. Underworks is by far my favorite binder brand for many reasons.

Favorite Binder So Far (www.underworks.com)

I got this "binder" recently. I like it better than any one I've had so far (I'd estimate that I've gone through about eight from various brands).


-Very breathable, can exercise in it without feeling like death

-Not terrible in hot weather

-Doesn't show under a lot of shirts, though if you have a shirt with a wide neck it'll show, but does look like an undershirt as opposed to a bra since the neck is high.

-Helps with hiding hip fat

-Feels natural. I forget I'm wearing this sometimes. Probably would be fine sleeping in it as well, though it's good practice to take breaks.


-If you have a bigger chest this isn't gonna do the best of jobs binding since it's got less compression than a typical binder. It's still not the worst option in that case, but you won't look completely flat. It's worked well for me flatness wise.

-I wouldn't wear this by itself because it doesn't fit like a regular shirt. Definitely looks an undergarment.

-It smells like a McDonald's playground right out of the package. I recommend you add baking soda into the wash to get the smell out faster.

-I suspect this will stretch out the longer I use it. The solution is to dry it on low as opposed to air dry it. It's got cotton in it so it'll shrink.

I recommend you only get it in black or white if your concern is passing. A lot of cis men will wear undershirts (typically in white, sometimes black, but never in nude).

If you're in-between measurements, order a size up. I made the mistake of getting a size down and I wasn't even able to get it over my head. Had to exchange it which took a while.

If you're interested in a binder with flatter coverage I will post a review of the underworks ultimate binder if requested. Underworks is by far my favorite binder brand for many reasons.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/ftm@lemmy.blahaj.zone

I found this to be helpful. I've been having a lot of anxiety around my voice changing so some sort of info on what to expect made me feel better.


Beatles=Beagles confirmed?


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/13674539

Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room

If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room.

Sharing and updoots appreciated.


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/13674539

Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room

If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room.

Sharing and updoots appreciated.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/libertyhub@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Not sure if this is the right community to post this, but I'll give it a shot.

One of my very good friends is planning on going into the Navy in about a year. He's generally a moderate left leaning kinda guy, but is trans. He comes from a navy family which is part of the reason he decided to go in the first place. He's going into mechanics and stuff and not combat which is slightly better I guess, but it's very concerning to me that he's planning on joining especially because he's trans. I also feel that ethically, actively participating in that system is bad.

How can I dissuade him from joining? I don't wanna go full force argument mode because it's ultimately his choice but I would like advice on how to softly nudge him away from it without affecting our friendship negatively. Thanks.

[-] cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone 27 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

My uncle died of pancreatic cancer last summer, and I was pretty close to him. He was like my surrogate father after my real one died when I was ten. I'd been wanting to tell him for a long time and didn't know how he'd react but eventually...I just didn't. I decided that deep down in his heart he knew that I was different and still loved me, even if I never told him and he probably wouldn't understand it fully. He was dying anyway so I figured it wouldn't do much good to tell him since he'd be gone. I'll never know what would have happened had I told him and how he'd react, but my last words to him were "I love you" and I am at peace with that. I still haven't processed his death fully, honestly. Grieving comes when it comes and sometimes it goes away for a while and comes back in full force. It shows up in strange, unrecognizable ways. I used to draw and paint a lot and I just...stopped after his death. I don't know why.

But anyway...I don't have good advice for you. You just have to accept it. Stand by a creek, let the wind blow through your hair. Have the pain in your heart, carry that weight, then get stronger and more able to carry it and let go. There's no easy answers in situations like this. Cancer sucks. I hate cancer. I wish cancer was eradicated from the face of this planet. It's gonna suck. But you'll get through it. It'll be hard. But you'll keep going and eventually it won't be quite as bad. You'll find a way to come to terms with it in your own way and when you're ready.

Cis men are heavily outnumbering even binary trans women right now...I think this leaked onto all

I will do literally anything but finish the essay that was due two days ago

Pro: faster metabolism, I can eat more

Con: faster metabolism, I have to eat more

I was at a summer camp a while ago and there was this pre-transition trans man who was also there. Eventually as the camp progressed and everyone got to know each other better, I told some of the queer people there I was trans so they could relate to me better.

This person, I kid you not, said "Ha, I knew no one from cowboycrustation's state would have a name like cowboycrustation's name!"

I was like...wtf. My name irl isn't one of those names like fern or star that aren't common among cis people. My name is a somewhat common men's name. I literally have a cousin with the same name.

I really hope that Nex will get justice and that there will be an independent investigation into this because this is a load of bullshit.

Do they think we're stupid? Even if the cause of death was suicide (which we don't know for sure, because the autopsy is shady AF.) it's a known fact that getting a concussion can make people suicidal. Either way, the girls who attacked him are responsible for his death. Pouring water on someone does not justify killing them.

[-] cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone 31 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I stink now. Wasn't expecting it to happen so soon (bout two and a half months low dose) Have to change my boxers more often than I used to and shower more (the horror). I smell more sour.

T made me more emotionally stable. I'm way less depressed than I used to be despite not changing much about my life. I used to wake up and the default would be sad, now I wake up and feel neutral (not in a numb antidepressant way, just in a normal way) most days. Worked way better than any antidepressant I've been on. Wasn't expecting that to happen. I've heard people say they're happier on T. Feels like I'm on default mode nowadays. Never felt that way before.

Occasionally I'll have dreams of... anger? I'll be asleep dreaming and feel angry, then when I wake up I'll be normal again.

Also I've been getting more bloated after eating or drinking anything. Apparently T can increase water retention.

[-] cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone 33 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I wish they'd listen to our voices instead of infantalize or demonize us. We're just people, not all bad, not all good, just like everybody else. Just happen to be trans.

Basically people noticed the colors of Blahaj were similar to that of the trans flag. They'd take funny pictures of Blahaj in weird places. After the meme took off, IKEA made a couple of references and leaned into it, which made it even more of an icon.

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