[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 1 points 2 days ago

Isn't it? Compared to sports, running or interval running it's very little effort.

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 1 points 3 days ago

Pagan baby won't you rock with me

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 2 points 5 days ago

now journalism, sociology, economics and civics, on the other hand...

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz to c/avorion@sopuli.xyz

She's ugly as sin. Looks a bit like a sea turtle, but less graceful. She will, however, smash up enemies at 26km with her three cannon turrets. She was made to have good armour and good firepower, and that took a while to fix, but now she's can dish out enormous hurt at great range. If enemies get closer, she's got all sorts of shorter-range weapons that can defend her at close distance, and she has 6 PD-turrets to take down torpedos.

All in all, she's a huge success so far. Shame she's so ugly though, but function over form :p

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz to c/chevron7@lemmy.world

Yes, this is your standard 'overthinking-stargate' post.

But given that the main rival to Jaffa and Goa'uld forces would traditionally be other Jaffa and Goa'uld, the primary (or secondary, second to policing civilians) threat would come from air assault and assorting air-support, given that Ha'tak could land, or bring gliders or both, and Al'kesh could show up independently of Ha'taks and gliders, you'd think that Jaffa would have ample air defenses. But as far as we've seen in the show, they don't.

What would complete the setting in that regard? Should they have had some sort of MANPADs? The ring-threading round gliders seem like the obvious choice, but they do not apparently make them as they once did, for some reason.


sounds cool though

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz to c/avorion@sopuli.xyz

I've played dozens of hours, but I still think I'm pretty much a noob. I've got 3 ships and the first 4 materials, although I've just started on the 4th, and the 3rd seems semi-useless. So I'm in the Titanium-age.

I play on normal difficulty, which seems maybe a bit too easy, but I hate changing difficulties in the middle of a playthrough.

Crazy Molly - Miner

This is the Crazy Molly. My first ship, and still a standard purifying mining ship. She's alright. Decent speed and she makes money. Small and not much use in a fight.

Neanderthal - Corvette

My pride and joy, the second ship - Neanderthal. She can boost-cruise (intermittent boosting) at nearly 3000/ms, she's got a modest but useful cargo capacity, and she's got nearly all the firepower in the fleet so far. She's covered in light titanium armour and has naonite stone on the front to act as a ram and fender. I somewhat unfairly abuse the fact that I seem to take a lot less collision damage than AI stations, when my firepower is found lacking.

Erectus - Fast Transport/Miner

She looks like the year 2002 in one picture

This is the Erectus. She's an R-miner, and the main breadwinner since her christening. She's covered in titanium armour for survivability and has a titanium stone ram, but she's not actually meant for fighting. She'll boost-cruise at close to 2000m/s and is meant to serve as both transport and miner.

Both Crazy Molly and Erectus suffer from poor jump capabilities, which I'm hoping to fix with research or by reaching better equipment stations.

Both Neanderthal and Erectus have been upgunned and slightly modified after the screenshots were taken, since I've been working on building new turrets on them today.

Next up I think I'll build another combat ship. Either a larger vessel with several torpedo tubes or long range-guns, or another Neanderthal. After that, I feel the need for a light transport to use for cargo missions.

Show me your fleet!


Mer bevis på att det inte finns tuffare och bättre folk än rockfolk!


Mitt i Stockholm. Om jag slutar posta förargelseväckande trådar här, så vet ni vad som hänt. Antingen så har PK-maffian slagit till, eller grannens kamphund.

Gött mos allihopa!


There's a lot of small kindnesses that we all recieve in our lives, especially as kids, perhaps. But I want to hear of those that you remember.

I was inspired to write this post by something that happened a few years ago. My old cat had stopped eating (for the second time) and he was clearly not well. He was about 17 years old and I took tim to the animal hospital.

The vetrinarian, a woman about my age (28 or so) told me that an examination and potential treatment wasn't going to be the right thing to to. She stayed with me for a long while as they were preparing to put him to sleep. I started crying and she stayed with me and told me how cats will have to face the end one way or another, and that I was doing the right thing. She comforted me through the whole thing. I don't even remember her name, but she was one of the kindest people I'd ever met.

Please share how people have been kind to you


Also called nazi by people, but that's alright. Not a nazi though


Mitt förslag är: Någon skriver en toppkommentar. Sen svarar någon annan med ett svar som ska efterlikna eller parodera vad man hade fått på Flashback, Familjeliv eller reddit. Sen gissar nästa person vilket av dem det är.

Ska man blanda in fler forum? Facebook kanske?

Amerikanisering av svensk politik (static.cdn-expressen.se)

Hej! Jag tycker mig ha märkt ett skifte i svensk politik. Inte i att man anklagar vissa för att vilja att Sverige blir som USA, detta har pågått länge. Den stora skillnaden är vilka som gör det.

Statsministern kallade SD:s trollfabrik för en "förfärlig amerikanisering av politiken". Vidare resonemang fanns inte med i SVT:s artikel om TT-intervjun. Men Kristersson är ju moderat. De om någon följer väl USAs linje? Han (och S) förde in oss i NATO. Carl Bildt var deras partiledare och statsminister... han är ju mer lojal mot USA än mot Sverige. En knähund.

Tidigare har jag sett i svenska dagbladet en ledare där man gjorde gällande att "kulturkriget" importeras av SD till Sverige. I den artikeln syftades det på anti-feminism. Men feminismen är ju ganska dominant i Sverige. Varför skulle ett motstånd behöva importeras? Vi är väl långt före alla andra i feminismens frammarsch?

Gällande translagen som nyligen röstades genom så har jag också läst texter där 'transmotståndet' inom SD skulle vara en import från USA. Men det var ju regionerna som började föreslå och erbjuda vård mot könsdysfori till barn utan någon som helst vetenskaplig grund. Detta har sen dessutom ifrågasatts i SVT och från både borgerligt och socialistiskt håll och regionerna har infört inskränkingar i transvården för barn. Ändå beskylls SD för att importera transfobi från USA.

Hur kommer det sig att just SD just nu utmålas som USA-copycats? Ligger inte vi generellt före USA i moderna trender?

Vilka tycker ni "amerikaniserar" svensk politik, och varför?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Studien visar att inrikes födda män i mindre utsträckning får försörjningsstöd än utrikes födda män och kvinnor, samt kvinnor födda i Sverige.

I min mening ett exempel på hur den feministiska offentliga sektorn exkluderar svenska män från välfärden och det svenska samhället vid varje tillfälle de får. Dessa människor skyr inga medel. Inget tilltag är för fult.

EDIT: Jag kunde ha gjort den här posten bättre från början. Låt mig försöka igen:

Den här studien visar att det är en negativ faktor att vara man om man är svensk och söker försörjningsstöd

According to intersections between gender and country of birth, Model E further shows that the reference category – male born in Sweden – corresponds to the smallest likelihood of being granted SA [SA betyder social assistance]

While being female is clearly associated with a greater chance of approval for applicants born in Sweden, such a ‘gender effect’ cannot be observed among immigrant applicants

In Models A and B (Table 3), the gender separate analyses show that being born outside of Sweden is linked to an increased chance of being granted SA among men, though not among women.

Andel godkända ansökningar delat på grupper:

Kvinna: 80% Man: 69% Utrikes född: 80% Inrikes född: 71%

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 42 points 2 months ago

That's why I stick with platforms where hardline communist teenagers can curate what I'm exposed to.

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 49 points 4 months ago

Took me a lap around the picture. "Hmm, let's see. Curtains, normal hands, picture of Hitler, blond girl looks normal, nothing weird in the shelves..."

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 78 points 7 months ago

Bethesda also released a game where you get minus to intelligence, willpower and personality for being a black man.

But they were better at stabbing people

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 39 points 7 months ago

Yes... different field... surely

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 64 points 7 months ago

This is why meme posts shouldn't have titles

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 64 points 8 months ago

Oh shit the meme police

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 175 points 8 months ago

Source: your ass

[-] cro_magnon_gilf@sopuli.xyz 61 points 8 months ago

Confiscating their phones and testing their bodily fluids... to try and jail them for something they did with their own body. Sick fucks

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