I don't think it makes me feel better to know that our descent into fascism is because gru promised 1MM rizz for it
I appreciate your dedication
I mean the woman posting there identifies herself as a follower, seems on brand for the platform
This is good information, a few follow up questions:
what does China gain by influencing the US to elect a fascist? It's clear what us billionaires gain, less so for China
where are the breaks on choo choo train to Nazi America, based on this trend?
The joke there is that Elon is functionally the real president, since Trump is bought and paid for by him
I'm always a bit dumbfounded how many people are apparently fine with this sort of thing. I wish this was obviously a death sentence or pr nightmare for the service but in practice it must not be for a lot of people, enough to make it worth attempting.
To be fair especially on that second accusation it probably depends how old "that girl you like" is
This is by far the best and most informative answer. The only thing it's missing as another couple commenters pointed out is hexbear is all about their oversized memes and emojis, making anytime you happen upon one of their posts extremely conspicuous (even if politics aren't being discussed).
I have only ever had great experiences visiting france, but then again I avoided Paris for the most part
I'm guessing there is a decent amount of overlap between the demographic that denies climate science and the demographic that denies medical science (antivaxx, the former anti-mask mandate group, etc)
"interesting" is certainly one word for it
Maybe a helpful starting point, if this is a real question, is for you to define what it is you mean by Marxism and what you find unethical about it more specifically. I'm asking the ideology as a whole, not a specific instance or country that claims to have it. For example I don't think all marxists would be in agreement about if China's government is a good representation of marxism (even if they call themselves communists).