Merrick fucking Garland?
2024 photo. I still wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.
I ironically said that when I was working for IBM.
They don’t actually fire, they do “performance improvement plans”.
As opposed to all the ones that only accept money?
The big bad boss of SimAnt
Are you asking how do 2 lines pass through the same point? Try it out with a paper and pencil.
It’s being ignored because it pales in comparison to all the other lawless evil crap they’re doing.
RIP in peas ✌️
but I cannot blame him for believing the bullshit.
I can. Managers are supposed to have at least a basic understanding of the thing they’re in charge of. If the manager just follows online hype, they’re no better than AI.
I drink Campari but have never heard of Campari Blanc.
I was wondering if it was maybe trying to tie in a joke about squid ink, which was a trendy ingredient in the 1980’s.