[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 2 months ago

On another note, how did the Fichtean thesis and antithesis stuff become so prolific among Marxists? It wasn't used by Hegel or even Marx as far as I can tell, and it's completely contrary to the modern ideas of Dialectics as outlined by Mao.


I had this question proposed to me recently, and thought I would give it my best shot. I would love any input you guys have on how I can refine this further, make it more clear, more accurate, more succinct, all that.

Also, this is specifically geared towards Marxist-Leninists and Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, and that understanding of dialectics, just to be clear. I'm not interested in the hyper-orthodox understanding of dialectical materialism.

I don't understand the ins and outs of gravity perfectly, but here goes.

Internal contradiction is what drives all things. This is true for gravity, as much as anything in the world. Gravity could then be analyzed in the framework of the contradictor forces within gravity. What would those forces be?

Well, Einstein's general relativity is probably the best place to start. I will outline the two contradictory forces below.

Again, I don't know a ton about the in's and out's of it, but the way I see it, there are two sets of contradictions at work in "gravity".

First, the contradiction of Mass and Spacetime Curvature. We have the force of attraction, where masses attract each other, but contradictory to that, we also have the resistance of compression, where the curvature of space resists this attraction.

Second, we have the contradiction of Inertia and Graviational Pull. Objects resist changes to their existing state of motion, but the force of attraction seeks to change the motion of objects

In the case of general relativity, I would say the first contradiction is the primary one, since that relationship is what defines the attraction between masses, and the resistances between each one. I would say the second contradiction is the secondary one, since it's still crucial for understanding how gravity works, but, it explains the result of gravitational attraction, rather than the fundamental cause of it.

In the case of the primary contradiction, I would say that the force of attraction is the primary aspect of the contradiction, over resistance to compression, since the attraction of mass to itself is the fundamental reason why spacetime is distorted in the first place. In the secondary contradiction, gravitational pull is of course, the primary aspect there.

Let me know what you think, and thank you.

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 3 months ago

Where do you think their misunderstanding comes from? Like, what part of it is it that they misunderstand or disagree on?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml to c/asklemmygrad@lemmygrad.ml

Firstly, I will say I have read enough to understand that the the "Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis" stuff is nonsense peddled by Fichte, and isn't really relevant to Marxist studies (or even Hegel for that matter).

However, when I've discussed this very thing in various circles online, as an outspoken ML, there are some attitudes I've noticed that seem to indicate many "left coms" hold very different views and interpretations of dialectics and therefore dialectical materialism in comparison to MLs, and I'm very curious as to what this disagreement is?

Especially, what part of dialectics do they believe that MLs such as Stalin and Mao are misunderstanding or misconstruing? How does this tie into Marx and Hegel's proposition of the dialectic (idealism and materialism being the only obvious one with Hegel). I've been searching a bit lately and haven't been able to find anything incredibly solid in the literature, so I thought I would consult here.



I feel like i have a decent understanding of slavery in slave society like Roman times. I also feel like i understand mercantile/capitalist chattel slavery pretty well too. But, what did slavery look like under feudal times? Of course the socio-economic classes turned from slave/master to landlord/serf, but did slavery under feudalism look more like chattel slavery or roman slavery?

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 19 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I think it's hard, because the farther I get into my academic career, the more elitist it gets, and the more "pay to play" it feels, like it's just made for rich kids. I got into my program on a 75% merit based scholarship, but then my PI started setting me up with all these conferences to submit our papers to, except no one told me that I need to be the person fronting these several hundreds of dollars for registering papers that the school says they will pay me back "if funding permits" lol, what a joke. It feels like an institution that exists only to be accessible for the wealthy, despite me fighting my way up the ladder tooth and nail.


I am in higher level education in the public university system. I used to view academia as a source of hope in society, and perhaps a progressive institution in someways, or some kind of source of hope with their supposed focus on science and research. After some years here, this "image" I had of academia has been shattered.

What are your perceptions of academia and research institutions, as Marxists?


I understand that Imperialism has a certain character that distinguishes it from Colonialism, that it exists to uphold the military export of finance capital. However, this doesn't really tell us about colonialism and how it arises, just how imperialism is different from it. Is colonialism exclusive to capitalist nations? Can it arise in socialist or even feudal nations?


Really, I'm kind of curious if the prevalence of Neo Nazi sympathies in Ukraine a result of mass killings of communists and other citizens/soldiers/partisans by the Nazis, leaving a skewed amount of nazi collaborators? Or is this more due to left wing parties being outlawed in modern day Ukraine and having fascist elements supported by the state?

The USSR probably would have punished collaboration, but what about those that weren't recorded collaborators?

Are there any historical numbers from either side? I couldn't find any myself.


Been trying to learn about both color revolutions in recent history, as well as the Mongolian People's Republic, but both seem rather scarce on info. Was the protests that led to the collapse of the Mongolian People's Republic as big of a scam as the events that led to, for example, the USSR?


I've heard that 'One Divides Into Two' as a foundational idea in Dialectical Materialism, and I feel like i understand dialectical materialism relatively well. But I'm confused as to why 'Two Combines into One' is not correct? Isn't a foundational idea of dialectical materialism how contradictions are resolved? Why isn't that the same as combining into one? And how is the resolution of contradiction a division into two?


[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Was that in a speech or a book? Would love to get the full context.

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 1 year ago

The IRA for one.


Is this a misguided idea? That different ideologies, such as 'vanilla' Marxist-Leninism are more applicable to more industrialized countries, or perhaps countries closer to the imperial core, while ideologies such as MLM are more applicable to the most imperialized, agragrian/feudal countries of the world?

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think it more comes from how a lot of supposed mental disorders, are more of a conflict of that individual and the society they live in. If society was structured in a way for ADHD people to be able to contribute that is structured around how their brain works, there wouldn't be a disability in the first place. Not all, of course, but many. How we shouldn't be positing these people as 'broken' because their brains work slightly different, but because our society isn't structured in a way to allow them to contribute in a way that works best for them.

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 year ago

In terms of afterlife, I would say I'm agnostic. When i say I have appreciation for the Dharmic religions, I don't mean that I believe in the supernatural aspects of those religions, more that I appreciate the philosophical undertones present within them. Specifically stuff like Indra’s Net, or anything that stresses that “things aren’t really things, but things are the relationships between things”, if that makes sense. Just the stuff that stresses interconnection and nuance, i find that I can really appreciate and see a lot of crossover with systems science and Marxism. Also, Swami Vivekanda has written some very interesting texts on Socialism based on his time in the USSR, which I found pretty interesting.

I do agree religion isn’t the end all, be all, and i generally have disdain for religion, i do find that those philosophies have a lot to be appreciated, especially when compared to the purely black and white thinking of abrahamic religion.

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 year ago

You're honestly probably right. Maybe it is having this image of myself in my head, that when the time comes, I shouldn't let the emotions overwhelm me, and I should be able to remain stoic and "exit the world with dignity" or something like that.

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 year ago

The limitations of existence makes it meaningful

That is a very good take away.

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 1 year ago

Related, but does anyone know how much truth their is to the idea that Vavilov was sent to the gulags because of his opposition to Lashekoism?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml to c/asklemmygrad@lemmygrad.ml

I think since having become divorced from religion (at least with Christianity, I still find Dharmic spirituality interesting, but I still don't believe in the supernatural), the idea of death has become a bit more difficult for me.

I tell myself that I am okay with dying, since it's inevitable, and out of my control, but I think deep down, when I really think about the end of my existence, there is some deep terror there, perhaps related to the fear of the unknown. I can think of all kinds of fantastic quotes about death and finding peace with it, but when I think about what it will feel like to die, it instills great terror within me.

It's not even a fear of the pain or anything. Just a fear of what may or may not be next. I think part of it too is some sort of fear of missing out. A fear of not getting to see the great things that are to come in this world. A fear of not having the time to learn the innumerable interesting things that there are to learn. So much to learn, and so little time. I think it also has to do with the thought of being forever separated from my loved ones. From my partner. From the person who I share my life with and have created my life with. Imagining being separated from her for an eternity, it brings me to tears.

Interestingly, this is a fear I've always had, ever since I was a child. I remember being 4 or 5 years old and asking my dad what happens after death, what death feels like, where my friends will go after death, and remember him becoming almost frustrated with my questioning, because these are obviously answers he doesn't have and are honestly fairly strange thoughts for a child so young to be pondering.

For some reason, death has always been something on my mind since I was a child, and a very emotional thought at that. I think my brief stint of being religious from early childhood into mid-teen years was an emotional 'band-aid' of sorts, but since I've come to the conclusion that I truly don't know what death will feel like or what will happen after death, these thoughts have again started racing through my head, giving me moderate emotional discomfort.

Have any of yourselves come to term with death? How have you managed to find peace with it besides "just don't think about it"?

[-] destructor_rph@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 1 year ago

Can we still say 'Amerikkkrakker'?

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