
joined 2 years ago
[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

ALL YOUR SEARCHES are tied to your email, forever. all your queries safely stored, waiting for someone to hack them or them to abuse that data somehow.

now reread your question.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml -2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

maybe not important to some, but I was super-unpleasantly surprised a couple months ago because proton deleted my dormant account. my recovery account received a couple of warning emails (didn't check that one in ages) and when I finally got around to it, gone.

so if you're thinking of using it for anything long-term, know that you have to log in once in a while or it's gone.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I'm aware of that, but there's a significant portion of FP users ditching the provided eOS and going with something that's way more privacy respecting; I'm sure you can find comparisons with graphene, calyx, lineage, aosp, etc. online.

so what I meant was, if you're one of those, then there are zero reasons for choosing FP, other than supporting their mission.

edit: similar topic from a while ago https://lemmy.ml/post/23014970

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

if you format it thusly , then anyone can view it from their instance and can then interact with it.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I'm not sure I understand what the issue is here... I also have uBlock Origin and no traffic is hitting either of those domains, just checked it with inspect/network tab. the redirect thingy autotranslates youtube to invidious and clicking youtube links opens freetube. no traffic is going to google or youtube. which part is your issue?

edit: aha, got it - uBlock swallows those domains so the extensions don't run.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I'm using freetube and privacy redirect on firefox. this is what embedded videos look like:

clicking on "Go" starts embedded playback from invidious, clicking on "youtube" opens freetube. there's an option to auto-open/play the embedded video, which I don't use.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago (6 children)

I can't fathom spending that kind of money for something that can be easily - as you've found out - broken. or lost. stolen. die on its own. not to mention - get a pretty mediocre device for the hefty price.

seeing as how you have to change the OS on it anyway, maybe look into used ex-flaghip devices. go to lineageOS devices page, filter for RAM and LOS version (22 i.e. A15 at the moment) and check if you can get a used devices locally for like a tenth of the price.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 month ago

I'm not hiding anything, I'm choosing what to share; there's a difference.

as to your (somewhat naive) perspective, yeah, having your shit out in the open is a credible threat. the solution is have all your shit private by default and not shared with anyone. then, allow leaks on a case-by-case basis.

we're all done (or should be, at least) with the idea that there are laws and regulations shielding us from the now rampant abuse from various threat actors. instead of relying on the government or whoever to enact those regulations, I find it way better to not allow anyone to be in the position to compromise me.

this is a forever moving target and you're never going to achieve full security; to paraphrase cory doctorow, that's a full-time, unpaid job that you're doing in addition to your existing job. but I'm better off with more security and privacy than without, so I'm ok with the sacrifices I have to make.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

saw your other post as well, there's so much stuff in your stack that you have to narrow your issues down to the malfunctioning item, there's no way you're gonna stumble upon someone with your exact setup.

start with existing element x apps communicating over matrix.org (use throwaway accounts if you don't trust it) and unified push using ntfy.sh. if everything works there, then you can start replacing one by one of these until you achieve full functionality or something breaks.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 month ago

I swear, every time I'm tired of the limitations of AOSP I inevitably begin to bargain with my conscience, like what if I just have a sandboxed play store, what if it's just microG, surely LineageOS has enough safeguards... and sure enough, within 24 hours one of these things pops up and I'm done with coveting the easy path.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

aside from the obvious, wayland being the default choice on all relevant distros and DEs and being continously worked on, evermore projects switching to it (WINE most recently) whilst X11 is in maintenance-mode, the main thing for me and my deployed fleet is if you're running a modern laptop, say with a 1080p or better screen, wayland is a must. primarily because of the output (UI scaling, effortless multi-monitor dock/undock) and the input (touchpad gestures, touch screens).

if your world is a desktop with a mouse and, say, XFCE, then you have very few of these things intruding on you and you don't really ~~understand the benefits~~ benefit from it.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 month ago

solid rant.

as to your thing with the addiction to this and that, you hafta learn to hate that crap; it comes naturally to me, so there's not much effort needed.

so when you hate alcohol and burgers and cigarettes and whatnot and especially the industry that produces it cutting every corner to make more money and their advertising henchmen masking every turd with sprinkles and cinnamon, then you're no longer in the "I'm depriving myself of the thing I want", every time you think of it a flood of anger and rage splashes over you and you simply don't want none of that crap, ever.

works for me, your mileage may wary.


like, if I send the QR code to someone I want to talk to via email, anyone intercepting this message will at the very least know my SimpleX address; same thing if I send it via messenger.

edit: let's assume we don't have an established and trusted channel. furthermore, they're not expecting this info.


apologies if this community is just for news, feel free to remove.

anyhoo, having trouble getting my WD19 dock to display 4K@60Hz. the laptop is a Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1, it supports DP-Alt over USB-C (no Thunderbolt) and a direct connection from the laptop to the screen works. however, attaching the monitor to the dock via DP, and then connecting the dock to the laptop with its USB Type-C cable with PD yields 4k@30Hz max.

Dell has a bunch of newer WD19 models (TB, S, etc.) but I don't have those.

it is possible that my hardware is faulty as I've sourced it nth-hand, but before I start replacing it one-by-one, maybe someone got it to work? thanks.


or is it possibly due to my shitty phone (low RAM)?


I have a Ryzen 5 1600AF (Zen+) and 2x 8 GB DDR4 3600 HyperX. when I select XMP1, it says 1.35V in the profile. however, when I boot Strelec WinPE USB (I'm on Fedora, I really don't want to install windows just so I can run HWINFO), install all drivers and launch HWINFO64 it says 1.2V. so I enter BIOS again, go to Voltages and enter 1.35 manually instead of auto. no change, still reads 1.2V. the BIOS side screen shows 1.35 after reboot.

I've found an unresolved thread somewhere with the same problem for my board. I'm on latest BIOS.

am I missing something, is there some additional setting I need to switch so it registers? the BIOS setup is hella confusing and borderline stupid, e.g. enabling virtualization required turning on SMP (how am I supposed to guess what that is?!) that's located in the "Frequency" subsection (wtf?!).


ok, so I get that there's a multitude of lemmy instances and they're not exchanging data, in the sense that if there's community jimbo on instance rambo, all comments are stored there.

so if the operator of rambo goes "man fuck this" and shuts it down, the posts/comments are gone? there's no way to replicate them or sync them or whatever?

if there's multiple jimbos on different instances is there some aggregation type of deal or do I have to subscribe to all the jimbos out there? and if I have something important to say about topic jimbo, I just spam/crosspost my idea to all the jimbos out there?

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