My first reaction would be to acknowledge them as a fellow geek, but that's because most of the people who live near me would hurt themselves trying to open Notepad. Anyone who knows enough to start hacking my config files would be a welcome guest in my house.

Then I'd kill them with a hammer. :-)

My EndeavourOS (and the prior Manjaro distro) had all of them installed.

All. Of. Them.

I am so tired of having to scroll through hundreds of Noto fonts to get to the later ones, but I'm afraid, if I uninstall one, something will break on reboot.

+1 for btop - so much easier to find and kill runaway processes.

Same here, never had any problem.

One thing I've found after printing on my Anycubic Photon Ultra for a while is that I rarely need the .010 - .040 layer heights. I do most of my figures for display, not gaming, and I just don't see that much distortion from layer lines, or difference when printing at different layer heights. Voxels are a much bigger issue IMO, and I spend a lot more time and effort in getting anti-aliasing set right.

Right now I want something with a higher resolution (the Ultra is only 720P IIRC) and better anti-aliasing -- even with it dialed in on Chitubox, I have to do some sanding and filling on smooth surfaces.

In the winter, I wear an atheist pin on my coat, and I have a science-y t-shirt I wear occasionally. I've gotten some looks, but no obvious confrontations. Compared to the ubiquitous religious-wear I see everywhere, I'm actually surprised by that - I would have expected by now to have been accused of persecuting the Xtians with my brazen display of heresy.

There's a great dissection of this whole thing by Legal Eagle on YT from last week, if you don't mind going there.

Look forward to seeing the HiDPI scaling work on my laptop - tired of my login screen looking like crap...

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

There's the problem of filtering as well -- if I jump into a thread that's a few hours old on Reddit, there may already be hundreds of replies. How do I filter this? How many discussions have you been in where there were several different people all with the same response, simply because someone else had the same opinion 30 minutes earlier?

On the flip side, if you're in a small local sub, how do you get new ideas injected? It's the "joke #243" problem, where everyone's heard everything already. Until more people arrive with fresh insights and ideas, the community can become insular.

Hello -- moving most of my presences, such as they are, to the Fediverse.

I'm a displaced city mouse, stuck in rural southern Illinois, after growing up in New England in the shadow of NYC, and living for 20+ years in Seattle. Happily, I'm not far from St. Louis, which is very comparable to Seattle, so I and my wife take advantage of all that city has to offer as often as we can.

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