Of course not you are not the interesting kind of stupid.
The difference is that he's not stupid.
That is such a common and widespread shenario. In fact 20% of us do heavy manual labor in conditions that push your body to the limit and get paid a ton while doing it.
It is known.
13 yo take. The point is that if a woman was born a man she'd be getting paid 8.2% more.
Yes, this includes everything tied with being a woman. It's "priced in".
That’s the tricky thing with the wage gap, right?
I was never notified the issue is considered "tricky" in any way shape or form.
It's much more likely they want to boost the sales of their recently launched Remaster.
Still shitty, of course.
It is joke. The joke is people dumb.
In a merocratycal just society? I don't think there should be.
The area of the base of a tube as long as the lenght of travel that would contain the volume of gasoline needed to travel said distance.
Do you even know how big a number they are dealing with? If the assumpion of equal capability is valid (and it's a SMALL if), you should always get a much smaller gap.
Compositing has been a thing for, like, forever, going from cutting and gluing film together to, well, having lookalike instead of the real actor in certain shots...
I'm mostly weirded by how you found out only now. I guess go and have fun looking up "Captain Disillusion" youtube channel.
Action figures?