[-] eldrichhydralisk 5 points 1 year ago

I find your resistance to offering thoughts on the things you share in a forum strange, because you seem friendly and well spoken. Just a quick sentence describing what this video was and why you wanted people to see it probably would have got you my upvote instead.

Joseph Anderson may have millions of views, but I'm not in those millions. I never heard of the guy until you posted this. So all I had to go on was that its something about Lies of P and it's 48 minutes long. That's a lot of time to spend on figuring out whether a random Internet post is worthwhile or not. Cute cat pictures can stand on their own, those only take a second to look at and tell if they're good or bad, but a long form video really needs some context before I can say whether I'm interested in seeing it or boosting it to other people. And if I don't have the context to say whether the post is good, I'll downvote it to make room for the posts that are definitely good.

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

I put a couple hundred hours into the first one, and I agree with you 100%. There are some performance issues and we don't have the pile of assets and subsystems that come with years of DLCs and mods, but the fundamental city building experience is a ton of fun. 50 hours in to CS2 and I'm not quite done with my very first city yet!

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

No matter where you go, upvotes and downvotes are still subject to the Lizardman's Constant. Someone will end up voting in a totally contrary way just to be contrary, or because they didn't understand, or because they just hit the wrong button. No matter how great your content is, it would be weird and possibly suspicious if it didn't get some downvotes.

[-] eldrichhydralisk 5 points 1 year ago

@ZachWeinersmith@mastodon.social is the author of the SMBC webcomic and he posts funny stuff pretty frequently.

@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org does art with open source tools, including the open source Pepper and Carrot comic.

@SmudgeTheInsultCat@mas.to posts dumb memes constantly.

@Popehat@mastodon.social posts smartassed yet accurate commentary on current legal news.

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

As I recall, both games also had secret music tracks on the disc that weren't in the game, but were really excellent. Playing those games as CDs blew my mind back in the day!

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour remain top-tier for me. The music was half the experience, turn it up and just enjoy that creepy vibe while solving puzzles. And they're all on The Fat Man's Bandcamp now!

Also, there's an industrial rock cover album on vinyl currently looking for funding on Kickstarter. I'm super excited!

[-] eldrichhydralisk 3 points 1 year ago

I've heard some really good things about that one!

[-] eldrichhydralisk 3 points 1 year ago

I'm just using the mobile website. It works and it doesn't pester me to use something else, which is really refreshing!

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

I have a regular group of family and friends I've been playing with for years. And if we're short on people who want to play a particular game, it's pretty much guaranteed that someone in the group has another friend who's willing to join for that run. I haven't had to go group hunting for a very long time. Doesn't really help anyone else LFG I suppose, but I can say it's really nice when you have a solid long-term group.

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

The 7th Guest VR is really exciting to me. Honestly, VR is a good place for adventure games and horror, so doing both could be really cool! I'm just hoping they get the music right...

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

That's going back a ways... I think the first one for me was King's Quest 1, actually. "KILL SNAKE WITH SWORD" was far beyond what I could type in the amount of time I had to type it, but the idea of moving around a screen interacting with the world to solve problems was utterly intoxicating.

The second one was Leisure Suit Larry, which I probably should not have been allowed to play but I was the only one who knew that at the time. Perhaps fortunately I never got very far in it, but the boss key made me laugh hard enough to make it worth it.

It wasn't until somewhat later that I encountered the Space Quest series, which I really got into. I actually completed some of them!

[-] eldrichhydralisk 4 points 1 year ago

Cities Skylines tends to be the game I return to when I just need to chill for a bit. I'll come up with some silly idea for a city, fire up a map I haven't built on yet, and see what I can make work. There's no endgame, no goals aside from what I feel like doing, just a sandbox and some toys to play with.

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