Warzone 2100 was my jam! They hadn't actually got cutscenes working in the Linux port I was using so I was.very confused about the story.
What's crazy to me is that Linux was out way in front of this. Put me in front of windows back in the aughts and say 'go install a program' and you had to google it, hope you clicked the right download link, install it, hope you didn't get a virus. Ubuntu you just opened up synaptic and bam, there was a wealth of programs you could just install with a single click. It was mind-blowing, and way easier than what everyone else offered.
Is there somewhere I can read more of this?
Ambrosia Software published a bunch of Mac games back in the day, but the app store crunched them.
Marathon was a mac exclusive. Will the new Marathon ship on mac at all?
I think mentoring is incredibly important-it's how the field.stays vital. I've done it in my career through code reviews, architecture discussions, pair programming, and for hobby stuff even just writing blog posts about how I got stuff to work.
Yes, Aphex Twin - Collapse was going to be my answer.
Have any screenshots?
I need to check back on reddit to see if my GDPR request has completed. It hasn't yet and they don't retain it for long. I might keep going on the few subs I go on, I suppose. I suffered though mobile web reddit all these years anyway. But if the mods strike again, I of course won't cross the picket line.
You're still able to recover your password, you just still can't log in afterwards
Now you see why Romulans ended up a recurring villain... very strong start. Compare that to how long they took to bring back the Gorn!