I don't think the vast majority of users use browser plugins at all. Vodoo or not, the barrier is high enough that it's not a common practice. Certainly not trivial. See the next section; I do think there's a genuine blind spot among tech literate people.
It's kinda like if cars shocked you every time you touched the steering wheel. Car enthusiasts of course know how to pop the hood and remove the shock module, but most drivers aren't car enthusiasts. So when people have a conversation about cars, it needs to start with 'yeah shock wheels kinda suck' because that's what cars are to drivers, even if you have a workaround. If leaving the shock module in as a reminder is what it takes, so be it.
Reason. It's got a unique workflow that is hard to break from. I even tried Renoise, but it's hard to switch.
Shame about Rhinos. Hope Chaos gets to keep their Rogue Trader stuff. The redesigned Rhino was never as cool anyway though.
Wish they'd taken the opportunity to design something nicer than the replusor though, that thing is ugly.
I miss screensavers.
I personally like FastAPI (python.)
Desktop search is notoriously hard. For all nontrivial searching tasks on Mac and Linux I use fzf for filenames and ack for full text search.
Never heard of the company or the system, is this any good? I tried running off brand trek with SWN before and it went ok, but I'd love a system for running specifically trek themed adventures... A solo system is great too, since I only have one player besides myself!
I just simlink from my home dir to my settings repo.
- I have a collection of music I purchased back in the iTunes days, or ripped from physical CDs
- When I really like an album, I buy it on Bandcamp to support the artist
- For everything else, there's YouTube Music
Indeed, it's the job of the programmer to understand that natural language and use it to design a program. The lack of understanding is one thing that worries me about LLMs writing programs.
True but TotalFark was always the cool unattainable forum that somehow I still won't shell out for.