Lol. So he wants to illegally expell US citizens, who can then immediately return to the country. I know he's just trying to play it up for his base, but holy shit they can't be so braindead that they believe it would actually happen...right?
That's more of a terroristic threat than I've ever seen from a Palestinian living in Gaza.
Lol imagine nationalizing a widely used commodity to help manage inflation of costs being a bad thing.
Texas: it's not fair! They are doing something that isn't making massive profits!
Holy shit that went from bad to in a microsecond
Oddly specific
Let them cook
"listen, we are better than everyone else. The holy book said so. If you don't respect us as being better than you, then you must be exactly like the Nazis. Also stop diluting Jewish culture by marrying non-israeli jews and non-jewish people."
Totally normal and cool thing to say, and is definitely not bigoted in anyway.
"yes - only child prostitute"
Bro didn't even condemn Hamas! Not once in any of those DMs!
As a former user, I don't get it.
After a recent thread dedicated to only shitting on hexbear, with constant hate and misinformation being thrown around, I decided to apply here.
I'm sick of explaining how people can ignore things they don't like on All by simply scrolling by, or blocking communities that routinely infuriate them.
"Biggest battle since WWII" lol US Navy vs Rebels with no formal navy