[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

There is really only one electoral strategy for them and it's the mirror image of the best strategy for Labour: chase the people they lost to their left. The risk of losing voters to Reform is real, but it will be mitigated by winning over the voters they most need: Labour and Lib Dem voters.

For the Tories in particular, this is the best strategy not only electorally, but morally. They should not be normalising the toxicity of Reform by chasing the mix of fantasists, conspiracists and racists that make up Farage's fan club. Even as a Labour voter who would never consider voting Conservative, I see the fact that some Conservatives have already started speaking out against the two-child benefit cap, the housing crisis and the dropping of net zero targets, as an encouraging sign.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) is “no longer simply a public service department” but an “economic growth department”, because health and the economy are “inextricably linked” and improving the health of the nation can help to “drive the economic growth of the country”.

“That is a major shift in mindset,” he said. “It’s a rethinking of the role of the department.

“It also means ending the begging bowl culture, where the only interaction the Treasury has with DHSC is that we need more money for X, Y and Z.

“The starting point has got to be, ‘We will help you achieve your mission for growth and improve the prosperity and lives of everyone in this country by making sure that we are with you lockstep in driving growth’.”

This is quite interesting, if I'm understanding it right. Historically, the focus has been 'What can we do that's cheap in the short-term?', but switching it to 'What can we do that will be promote growth in the long term?' is a genuine shift that might make the NHS (and the state as a whole) cheaper and more effective. It's at least worth a try, I think.

It also fits neatly with the overall aims of the government in terms of using the state to promote economic growth. Angela Rayner was making similar arguments about justice and mental health just before the election: that investing in those things now will save money in the long term. You can make the same argument about housing and green energy. This seems to be part of the same driving concept.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 17 points 2 days ago

Most people everywhere are very politically unaware. Here's a decent site that demonstrates this. Basically, the knowledge we (by which I mean humans, not just Americans, of which I am not one) have leads us to make inaccurate assumptions about the other stuff.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 17 points 4 days ago

Along with appointing Timpson to the Prisons brief, this is another really good sign of a government that cares more about getting things done than vibes. Although, the vibes are good, too!


Lots of quotes from business leaders in the announcement, but worth noting that the TUC have also welcomed the new fund.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 9 points 5 days ago

It's not a perfect heuristic, but it works a good amount of the time!

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 46 points 5 days ago

If Rowling is criticising Dodds on this issue, Dodds is going the right way.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 10 points 5 days ago

I think this is probably it. I think this argument is strongly related to the idea of consciousness as an emergent property of sensory experience. I find it simple to imagine the idea of a body with no will or no consciousness (i.e., a philosophical zombie). But I find it very difficult, almost impossible, in fact, to imagine a consciousness with no will, even if it's only the will to think a given thought.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 8 points 5 days ago

That approach has just been tested to destruction under the Tories, who let local communities veto necessary, good, sustainable plans time and time again.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by frankPodmore@slrpnk.net to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Three possibilities come to mind:

Is there an evolutionary purpose?

Does it arise as a consequence of our mental activities, a sort of side effect of our thinking?

Is it given a priori (something we have to think in order to think at all)?

EDIT: Thanks for all the responses! Just one thing I saw come up a few times I'd like to address: a lot of people are asking 'Why assume this?' The answer is: it's purely rhetorical! That said, I'm happy with a well thought-out 'I dispute the premiss' answer.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 12 points 6 days ago

But they do elect leaders, as I understand, to act as spokespeople, and in this case they've elected as a spokesperson someone who's opposed to green infrastructure.

Another way of putting it is to say that at least 25% of Green MPs oppose green infrastructure.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 23 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

He is the co-leader of the Greens, so it's fair to say that he speaks for the party.

He is opposed to a policy which has already been thoroughly consulted on. The consultation found that the only alternatives would be to bury the lines, which would be more environmentally destructive, or do nothing, which would be more environmentally destructive. So, yes, he is opposed to green infrastructure, which is sadly quite consistent with the actual record (as opposed to the rhetoric) of the Green party.

EDIT: I should have added, the demand for endless 'consultations' is a well-worn delaying and blocking tactic. But it's especially hypocritical of the Greens who constantly use the (accurate!) rhetoric that we're in a 'climate emergency' to win votes.

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 46 points 6 days ago

I think a lot of people struggle to tell the difference between something that changes the view and something that ruins the view. Wind turbines will change a view, of course, because they're a new addition. But there's no sense in which they make it worse!

[-] frankPodmore@slrpnk.net 11 points 6 days ago

Putting it underground is worse for the environment in and of itself, because of the direct damage to soil and plantlife (and so indirect damage to animal life). It's also more expensive, which leaves you with less money to spend (on, e.g., just picking an example at random, green development). And it takes longer, which means relying on fossil fuels for longer.

So, his proposed solution is worse for the environment in three different ways. If his solution is less green than the thing he's opposing, then it's fair to say he opposes green development.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by frankPodmore@slrpnk.net to c/uk_politics@feddit.uk

And while the Greens are doing what they do best (opposing green development), the Labour government has already lifted the Tory ban on onshore windfarms.

This is odd, because Labour are the same as the Tories, as we all know, and the Greens are a radical new force. But in this case, Labour are doing the direct opposite of the Tories, while the Greens are doing the same things the Tories did! Most curious.

EDIT: Here's the official government statement confirming this.

EDIT 2: And this isn't all! Rachel Reeves is also planning to do more to make onshore wind simpler to build.


The Greens promised to push Labour to be more radical but are instead acting how they always have: pro nimby, anti-environment.

I didn't vote Green, obviously. If I had, I imagine I'd be pretty angry that pretty much their first act having quadrupled their number of MPs was to oppose green development.


I'm sure you all know this already but it's now official.

The fourth person ever to lead Labour to a majority. The first person since 1970 to win a majority and overturn a majority at the same time.


There are lots of different tactical voting sites and sometimes they disagree on the most effective anti-Tory vote.

Fortunately, someone has built a tool to help you aggregate the different recommendations and make the best possible choice on Thursday!

Of course, spoiler alert, the best anti-Tory vote in most seats in the country is still Labour.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by frankPodmore@slrpnk.net to c/uk_politics@feddit.uk

~~Sorry for the Twitter link, but I've not seen the video elsewhere.~~

EDIT: Twitter link now replaced, courtesy of !flamingos@feddit.uk.

Just thought this was really great! It starts off with Rayner talking about how much Brown's policies (like Sure Start and the child tax credit) helped her and her kids, then they move on to talking about how the next Labour government hopes to do the same. Then it finishes with the amazing detail that Rachel Reeves had a Gordon Brown poster on her bedroom wall as a teenager.


TL;DR: arguably.


Starmer responds to questions from the Big Issue journalists and from vendors. Nothing particularly groundbreaking here but it all sounds good.


A slightly too wordy and too long article that I nonetheless basically agree with. Key paragraphs:

Starmer’s strategic sense has been impressive, from opening his leadership consensually with qualified support for, and constructive criticism of, lockdown, to encouraging Boris Johnson to get his denials of Partygate on the record and leaving them there, to, most of all, his relentless focus on the voters he actually needs to win, rather than the ones who make the most noise.

This, of course, is the source of the biggest criticisms of Starmer from the left: that he won the leadership by relentlessly focusing on the voters he needed to win within the Labour Party, and then pivoted towards the national electorate rather than sticking with a prospectus whose chief appeal was to people who had already been shown to be a minority of a minority. I am not wholly unsympathetic to this view: his ten pledges were mostly bad, and he shouldn’t have made them; but dropping bad policies is better than sticking to them, and winning is better than losing.

After all, Jeremy Corbyn didn’t keep any of his promises, which may be why a recent election leaflet endorsing his bid to be the independent MP for Islington North gives so much prominence to his role in saving the Number 4 bus route.

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