LoL, for as much as you "despise trump", you sure feel compelled to "defend" him by creating your own false equivalence, getting the facts wrong, and by ignoring the entirety of actions Trump and his family committed while in office. It's almost like you don't really despise him at all...

It's hilarious. Huffy's idea is to turn Reddit into the Company Store.. what's that, all you unpaid moderators, all you users who spent countless hours posting essays of valuable information? You all want to ACCESS this content that was provided to us free, FOR FREE? EF YOU PAY ME.

He's got to justify his $193 million compensation on the backs of the unpaid labor of moderators and users who provided the actual thing that made reddit valuable.

Steve Huffman is a carbuncle. When I quit Reddit, I ran a browser plug-in that deleted every single post and comment I ever made. I hope more people do this, and slowly lance this $193 million abscess.

Yes, let's not be too hard on good old JD, who called Democrat politicians a bunch of childless cat ladies with miserable lives".

"The entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children," he said at the time. "How does it make any sense we've turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?"

The Senator from Ohio said the country was being run "by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too".

lol, token diversity VP! Racism and/or misogyny is so funny! let me guess, do you pretend to care about palestine too?? i bet you do! lol, what a comedian

I can! As long as people continue coming to message forums complaining instead of passionately making their case, or joining the party and doing something about it, I predict there will be no "global Democratic overhaul", whatever that means to you.

I like how you disengenuiously phrase everything. Oh Lordy, I wish the Republicans could force those filthy Democrats to stop their cheating ways, or I swear I'll faint!!

Meanwhile, there are already Democrats who ARE proposing fixes to your little list. LOL, we don't need Republicans to hold Democrats accountable, we need them to vote with the Democrats trying to fix the problems. But good luck with that

There is a huge difference between condoning an assassination attempt, and forcefully conveying the message that Trump is just one more a victim of his own violent rhetoric.

[-] -4 points 2 months ago

Because for someone to get elected, they need more than just YOUR vote, David.

There are millions of voters that might agree with points 1,2,3 and 4, but don't think it's a genocide. They won't vote for your guy.

Millions more agree with 1,2,3 and 5. But your guys ideas on Healthcare is a non-starter. More lost votes.

See where I'm going here? Your guy didn't even say a WORD about abortion rights, immigration, gun laws, unemployment, inflation, global war and terrorism, technology threats, the economy, tariffs, and so much more.

It's not the DNCs fault. Do you know how the Republicans made abortion illegal again? They attacked it year after year, and nobody on the left defended it. We just sit in message boards passively crying "Give us a suitable candidate!!"

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