[-] gaael@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

As others already said, autopilot. Withoutit would not have finished the game. I really wish you get to the end, it's worth it ! Also, at some point, I read a spoiler free-isb walkthrough because I was stuck with some puzzles.

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Most of us frenchies tend to forget the outer world exists, and we're usually much more active on the french wikipedia pages than the global ones - especially for topics such as details regarding our political parties. Even in French newspapers it's often implied that JM Le Pen was the sole founder of the FN.

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

The English wikipedia article is not complete about the party's foundation: Jean Marie Le Pen did found it, but not alone. Since he was the party's president for almost 40 years, he's the most known founder.
Among the co-founders were two ex-Waffen SS, Pierre Bousquet and Léon Gaultier. See the french wikipedia article for more details.

Of course, he did beat up communists not much later when he was in uni.

And he did not stop there. During the Algerian independance war, he is believed to have tortured and supervised the torture of prisoners.
He's been condemned at least 25 times for antisemitism, inciting hatred and discrimination, minimizing/excusing war crimes and piblic outrage (not sure about my translations, these are serious offenses in the french law). For example, he stated multiple times that the nazi's crematory ovens were a detail of the ww2.
He's been riling up the country against non-white and non-hetero people for the last decades. And he's been president of a party that's had litreral nazis and neonazis in its ranks, which he never seemed to care about.

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

I agree with both of your statements, I wrote my post while being pissed and frustrated about Macron's anti-left schemes. It wasmore of a rant than an actual useful answer, and I should have made it clearer.

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Edit: this is a rant and does not address the issue, just points out Macron's shittiness.

Well, Macron openly and blatantly assisted Le Pen's far right party for the past sevent years. Idk what he's playing so shocked about.

It was Macron and his cronies who started the train of "well the far right is bad but the left is anti semitic" on which the far right happily jumped. Nevermind that Le Pen's party was actually created by an ex SS and that some of their candidates were seen having some nazi fun with friends.

A french newspaper just revealed that there have been secret dinners and meetings between people close to Macron and the far right's leadership these past month, the latest happening 3 days after the national assembly surprise dissolution.

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 83 points 1 month ago

That's true, and it's a subset of another reality: execs are ruining life.

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 71 points 2 months ago

The article talks about sudo and doas being SUID binaries and having a larger attack surface than run0 would. Could someone ELI5 what this means?

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 96 points 2 months ago

You'll find an npm package to help you count up to 2.

(I recently learned - maybe here - that the is-even package has over 170k weekly downloads)

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 160 points 5 months ago

Based ? Alcoholism isn't based, it's fucking hard and sad.

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 59 points 6 months ago

I don't think you understand how hard and resource-intensive it is to fight against the nipple crowd. I for one am grateful that they chose to do something about the real issues ! Yes, a world with free nazis is kind of a bother, but most of us would survive. Can you imagine the horror of a world with free nipples ? We would all be doomed, that's for sure. /big s

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 98 points 6 months ago

PCgames being pcgames, no useful info in the title/description. Here you go.

Mod name: Delta Particle (mod for hl1) Setup: another base (delta base) is affected by the black mesa events, and that's where you work Content: 36 levels, new weapons and new ennemies

You can get it on moddb and I guess other places too but I didn't look further).

[-] gaael@lemmy.world 117 points 6 months ago

Please stop posting good reasons to use Linux, I already feel bad enough for the poor people stuck in Win$ and MacO$

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