You'll find an npm package to help you count up to 2.
(I recently learned - maybe here - that the is-even package has over 170k weekly downloads)
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You'll find an npm package to help you count up to 2.
(I recently learned - maybe here - that the is-even package has over 170k weekly downloads)
What's even wilder is if you look at the code of that package, all it does is include the is-odd package and then return !is-odd. And the is-odd package isn't much better, it does some basic checks on the input and then returns n % 2 === 1.
I thought I was missing something. JS is one of my main languages and I always just write the is-odd function myself since it's like 10 characters. It boggles the mind that is-even has 176k weekly downloads
To be fair having a name can make things easier to read. I get that i % 2 == 0
is a common pattern and most programmers will quickly recognize what is happening. But isEven(i)
is just that much easier to grok and leaves that brainpower to work on something else.
But I would never import a package for it. I would just create a local helper for something this trivial.
Exactly what I would do if I had to reuse it, especially now since I know that adding a package would actually add 2. It all just seems so...inefficient
Even if the code isn't reused adding names to sub-expressions can be very valuable. Often times I introduce new functions or variables even if they are only used once so that I can give them a descriptive name which helps the reader more quickly understand what is happening.
Is-even continues to be the best joke in the industry
Oh boy, this actually made me laugh out loud
PHP has gotten really good over the past few versions, actually. Lots of really great stuff has been added, it feels like it resembles rust more every release lol
node_modules size of a Linux distro
1 - Easiest way to run a script in your browser
2 - Always finds its way if inputs are bad
Nan - undefined
NaN is of type number. because fuck me.
To be fair, this is actually reasonable. But it does look stupid on the face of it.
I am forced to try to get a JS certification.
I am reaching the end of my rope, and starting to think of maybe putting my neck into one.
Isaac Newton said that we see far because we stand on the shoulders of giants.
Javascript is like standing on the shoulders of dwarves with brittle bone disease.
It leads to typescript
You get surprises from npm
I spent way too long today figuring out why my app was doing something that it's NOT supposed to do on weekends.
I read Luxon's docs (pretty cool lib tbh) again and again, and tried everything I could think of to get isWeekend to return a sane result.
Turns out I was pulling a somewhat older version of Luxon, where isWeekend didn't exist. In any sane language, I expect I'd get a huge warning about a property that doesn't exist, but alas...
Typescript helps me keep my sanity, but juuuuust barely.
If isWeekend doesn't exist, then the weekend doesn't exist, so it's naturally false.
That's why JavaScript gets pushed so hard - it's part of the capitalist agenda to keep us working 7 days a week
You get suprises from npm
and async
PHP is actually quite footgun free these days.
The part that always gets me is when people choose Js for the backend. Like I get that it's the default thing that works on the frontend, so there's some rationale why you might not want to transpile to it from another language. On the backend though, there are so many far better option, why would you willingly go with Js, especially given that you're now forced to do all your IO async.
It has a cup of coffee as logo
That’s Java, not Javascript. Java is to javascript as ham is to hamster.
A lot of people are familiar with it like it being in use?
Write down any NaN advantages of JavaScript
It runs in browsers. It… isn’t poop? I don’t know. I’m all out of ideas.
We have forced it, quite hamfistedly, to do anything. The organic hell-evolution of web browsers turned them into do-anything sandboxed mini-OS. It meant whatever hellish code you used to write your corporate mandated web app could now become a perfectly bloated standalone application. And the demonic language that would enable it was called Javascript. It does the backend and it does the frontend. You could consider those advantages over other devices, like toasters and those handheld electronic games from the 80s.
.. ah right, it runs on any browser. Lame
Browsers love it!
Practically anything you write will execute without all that scope and well formed statements nonsense.
Mind you, number 2 is also its biggest flaw as well, but…