[-] golli@lemm.ee 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Ja, wobei ich das gar nicht Mal unbedingt kreativ nennen würde. Es ist absolut abzusehen, dass ein solches System anderweitige Verwendung nicht verhindern wird, es änder ja nichts an den Beweggründen, nur am Prozess.

Der Unterschied hier ist nur, dass der Mittelsmann die Umtauschleistung gratis durchführt anstatt einen Anteil zu verlangen.

Und Gutscheine sind halt nur das bequemste Produkt mit den geringsten Reibungsverlusten. Sollte das unterbunden werden, würde es einfach irgendwie anders substituiert.

Worst Case kaufen die Flüchtlinge Wasserflaschen, schütten sie aus und holen sich den Pfand wieder

[-] golli@lemm.ee 7 points 3 days ago

HDR vs no HDR makes a big difference in colours to me. And if you compare compressed low Bitrate footage vs higher Bitrate there will often be artifacts or color banding, particularly in darker scenes or wherever you have gradients.

It ofc also depends on what device you are watching it on. But I would say that yes if you have a movie (made up example) that is compressed to 5gb total size vs 25gb vs 70gb for the uncompressed Blu-ray quality, then the first jump will be a very noticeable difference assuming you have capable hardware. Whereas the second one will be much much less noticeable and also come with other drawbacks that need to weighted off, e.g. storage requirements.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 7 points 3 days ago

Finde ich prinzipiell begrüßenswert und heutzutage nicht unbedingt selbstverständlich das relativ zeitig und direkt auszuschließen, auch wenn es bei der nächsten Wahl absolut keine Chance für die Grünen auf das Kanzleramt geben wird, anders als beim letzten Mal.

Werden die Grünen sich jetzt direkt hinter Habeck sammeln oder gibt es noch irgendwelche anderen Kandidatinnen (denke es würde wenn eine Frau sein)? Und hat Habeck überhaupt Interesse an der Spitzenposition oder ist er nach den 4 Jahren inzwischen auch zermürbt?

Wie soviele hätte ich ihn lieber als Baerbock bei der letzten Wahl als Spitzenkandidat gesehen und glaube auch er hätte bessere Chancen gehabt. Aber das würde ich wie jemand anderes hier schon erwähnt hat eher der Partei ansich, als ihr selbst ankreiden. Und eine generell schlechte Kandidatin war sie finde ich nicht.

Wobei Habeck durch die vergangenen Jahre jetzt auch mehr Ballast hat als vorher. Teilweise unverdient wie z.B. bei der Heizungsdebatte. Aber auch vieles was man sich selbst zuzuschreiben hat, aktuell finde ich z.B. den Vorschlag mit Steuerrabatten für ausländische Fachkräfte ziemlich daneben.

Dass er oft mehr Führungscharakter gezeigt hat als unser eigentlicher Kanzler ist zwar lobenswert (wenn auch eine niedrige Messlatte), aber wird für ihn wahrscheinlich nicht ausreichen.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

Is that actually the case? I was under the impression that at least under US teenagers the iPhone usage was insanely high. And those are far from cheap, so at least there parents seem fine in spending big.

Also the cited article mentions $250 for the se watch vs $200 for the Samsung (although I guess that one might have bigger discounts). $50 difference doesn't seem large for the "Apple tax".

To me the plastic part would just seem like a risky gamble. Apple has the premium image and it might cheapen it. Especially on a device that is constantly visible, has skin contact and isn't used with any case.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 1 points 4 days ago

The question is if they actually need more land or just more resources. I imagine they already get the latter for dirt cheap, so why bother actually invading.

submitted 4 days ago by golli@lemm.ee to c/deutschland@feddit.org

2021 war Annalena Baerbock für die Grünen als Kanzlerkandidatin angetreten - für die kommende Bundestagswahl schließt sie eine erneute Kandidatur aus. Sie wolle sich "mit voller Kraft" auf ihre Aufgaben als Außenministerin konzentrieren.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 6 points 4 days ago

Doesn't look great:

  • No progress with health features, which seem like the most exciting evolution.

  • Who truly needs the larger screen and faster chip. Especially the former will presumably reduce battery life, something that very much matters with watches.

The company is also working on a new version of its lower-cost Apple Watch SE model, which it last updated in 2022. One idea the company has tested is swapping the aluminium shell for rigid plastic. It's likely to lower the cost to something that could better rival Samsung's cheapest watch, the $199 Galaxy Watch FE. The SE currently starts at $249.

That really doesn't sound like Apple.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

I'll go based on letterboxd release year. Often times it's hard for me to judge towards which year I should count a film that might have had a limited release in the previous year, but then a wider cinema run later.

So far I've enjoyed:

  • Dune part 2: epic sci-fi and that is exactly my jam, so thus far my favorite movie of the year.

  • Civil war: Imo flawed in some ways and not quite what I expected (expected it to be more social commentary and less about war photograpy), but overall still very much a recommendation and good movie. Alex Garland has made some of my favorite films of all times (ex machina and Dredd, also enjoyed annihilation), but it didn't reach those heights, so I'd rank it below those.

  • Exhuma: usually not a horror fan, but I guess I very much enjoy the Korean ones. More direct compared to "The wailing", which it somewhat reminded me of, but that had more of a mystery aspect.

Movies that don't yet have a wide release, but that I already saw at a film festival:

  • Black box diaries: Documentary by the journalist Shiori Itō about her own sexual assault case and her battle against the outdated judicial system and social views in Japan. Sadly I missed the screening with q&a afterwards. I found it interesting and overall well made, definitely gets a recommendation for whenever it gets a wider release later this year.

  • All we imagine as light: Drama set in india. Feels like comparatively I've seen less movies set in India, so it's always nice to get a view into other cultures. Overall I enjoyed it and can also recommend it to people that like this type of movie.

Also watched "the substance" (body horror) during the festival, but while decent that just isn't quite my cup of tea.

Some movies that I found "meh" so far include Furiosa and monkey man, but there is also a lot that I haven't seen so far.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 18 points 4 days ago

The performance was never the consideration for Nintendo. They want a handheld that can last a long time, so they will always clock their chips down.

I fully agree with the first sentence, but i don't think the second quite hits the mark. The real reason is simply cost.

If Nintendo was concerned with battery life, then they'd still go with a modern processor, but as you say clock it down to hit the efficiency sweet spot over chasing performance. But instead they usually choose something that is already dated at release (even accounting for development time), as opposed to a company like Apple that pays a premium to get first dibs on any new processing node.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

Yeah the cast looks pretty solid, my only uncertainty in that regard is to what degree Denzel/Pedro Pascal disappear into their respective role vs me seeing them as these familiar actors. But that might be a subjective problem

Besides that any mention of Aftersun automatically gets an upvote from me, such a great movie and performance by Paul Mescal.

[-] golli@lemm.ee 43 points 6 days ago

Die vermummten Täter waren Zeugen zufolge mit Holzknüppeln, Schlagstöcken, Quarzhandschuhen und Reizgas bewaffnet.

Die Neonazis hätten gezielt gegen Köpfe geschlagen

Warum wird daraus jetzt "zu Boden prügeln" und nicht "versuchter Mord"?

[-] golli@lemm.ee 6 points 6 days ago

Ich mag nicht mehr ...

[-] golli@lemm.ee 98 points 3 weeks ago

but it’s utterly useless.

That imo has been the issue with VR/AR for a while now. The Hardware as you said is pretty good by now and looking at something like the quest even afforable. What's lacking is content and use cases.

Smartphones had an easier time being adopted, since it was just moving from a larger to a smaller screen. But VR/AR actually needs a new type of content to make use of it's capabilities. And there you run into a chicken/egg problem, where no one is putting in the effort (and vr content is harder to produce) without a large user base.

Just games and some office stuff (that you can do just as well on a regular pc) aren't cutting it. You'd need stuff like every major sport event being broadcast with unique content, e.g. formula one with the ability to put yourself into the driver seat of any car.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by golli@lemm.ee to c/hardware@lemmy.ml

It's always great to learn directly from engineers about their own work, and I found this to be a very informative and entertaining discussion. Tom Petersen really is a great communicator.

submitted 8 months ago by golli@lemm.ee to c/nonfiction@literature.cafe

As the title suggests i am looking for book recommendations for someone wanting to learn more in the field of political science.

Either something for a more general overview or on a specific topic would be appreciated.

submitted 10 months ago by golli@lemm.ee to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

As the title says i am currently considering switching away from TrueNAS Scale.

My system has a Celeron N3160, 16gb ram, 2x18tb HDD as a zfs mirror and ssd storage for os

My usecase is mostly just as a local storage and media server with *arr stack and jellyfin.

Some of the reasons why i want to switch:

  • Truenas claims a full drive for the OS, no way to partition off something

  • no automatic updates (i get why it might make sense for stability, but as a basic user i probably value the convenience higher)

  • there've been issues with truecharts breaking the ability to update and the solution seemed to be to just reinstall the applications

  • applications sometimes don't show up on start and i have to restart

Overall i think TrueNAS Scale might be excellent for some, but i am just not quite the target audience. So i just want something simple that works.

Now that Unraid supports ZFS that would be a consideration, but i don't really feel like paying (however i am not completely opposed, if its the best option).

My first idea was Proxmox, but thinking about it a bit more i probably don't need the flexibility and it just adds more levers that need adjusting.

So the current frontrunner would be OpenMediaVault for a simple NAS setup that doesn't need as much flexibility and is low maintainance. I assume the setup would be pretty straight forward and i can just import my truenas zfs pool and install whatever docker applications i want.

My questions would be:

  • Is OpenMediaVault a good choice for me? Or is there anything better?

  • Any up/downsides compared to e.g. something like a simple ubuntu server?

  • Is there anything major that i would miss out on by not going with proxmox?

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