It’s pretty goddamn baffling and more than a little bit infuriating, to be honest

Feels good, man.

That’s ok the repeated Cat5+s will teach the children anecdotally

Reminds me of Far Cry 2 where you could set wildfires to take out enemy patrols and outposts

Our political tribalism seems way worse than the UK though, and the UK has it pretty bad in that regard.

Wow that is actually pretty egregious for such a generally security-conscious organization.

embrace tradition

I can’t believe you’ve done this

Also time for napsies in the after noon

Also no meetings before 11 in the morning

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why he should not be the candidate. Not because he’s old or whatever. Because he does not understand that if he loses, we fucking lose democracy. Not a joke; not hyperbole. We get to have Russian-style “elections” for the foreseeable future.

He is so fucking wrapped up in his own ego and hubris that he is going to drive us straight into the fucking wall. He’s so far up his own ass about his ability to compromise that he can’t comprehend that fascist elements of the Republican Party (but I repeat myself) have no intention whatsoever of compromising or negotiating once they really get their hands on the reins of power again.

He is betraying his oath of office. He’s not meaningfully protecting and defending the constitution from threats foreign and domestic, and he hasn’t done so effectively for basically his entire term. As a historical parallel, it’s like a mashup of the US in 1859 and Germany in 1932. It’s baffling, infuriating, and horrifying, in equal measure. His head is demonstrably not in the game - and it seems he doesn’t even understand the game he’s playing (that’s not a “he’s old” quip - I’m talking about the fact that he continues to bring a deck of cards to the shitshow gunfight that is modern American politics and expects to get good results).

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by to c/

Personal commentary: reading the summary (I did not watch the interview live), I’m not really seeing anything that assuages my concerns about his mental acuity. More importantly, I’m not seeing anything that indicates he’s being anything even close to as pragmatic as Macron is being with the election they’re doing now in France, with regards to just trying to make sure the fascists do not fucking win. I must admit I’m feeling quite pessimistic about things.


Surprisingly based from ND, to be completely honest


Also available with a roasted crab, which is what they’re famous for, but this version is still delicious, because those noodles are straight crack

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