Just guessing, it likely failed due to:
- Being relatively unknown
- I2P being relatively small
- Java being a non-standardized language
- No data verification (malicious host can corrupt data)
- Poor UI and UX
- The main developer leaving
These are killshots to this type of service as people need to develop/extend/use it - for it to be viable. It is in the right direction, but (similar to many cornerstoning attempts in FOSS) is not handled gracefully.
Have you ever seen the qualifications of DEI candidates? People always say DEI, but always leave out the part that their resumes are often the best.
So we agree that America has been hiring based on race, and I'll even go further and say its been for the last 250 years - but it's for whites. Being white is not a merit-based qualification.
Also you think America has only been falling apart for the last 15 years? Did you just forget 1985-1993? This is a troll account, but at least make the bait believable - it's pathetic.