
joined 1 month ago

My beloved T420's bezels are coming apart at the hinge. This has already happened once---I glued the plastic back together---but now is a very inconvenient time for it to happen again. So I'm thinking of upgrading.

For me, the most important factors are:

  1. Portability - I have to carry my laptop with me on a nearly daily basis.
  2. Linux support.
  3. A good keyboard, preferably without the numpad.
  4. An HDMI port.
  5. Good battery life (~5 hours with active use should be plenty but more is welcome).

I'm thinking of going with the 8th generation X1 carbon but I'd like to hear your opinion.

[–] gvalia@lemm.ee 9 points 4 days ago

You might know about this but https://youfeellikeshit.com/ is really helpful to self-diagnose.

I would also suggest you write "disaster reports" where you ask yourself what happened and why it happened 5 or more times. Preferrably write it out by hand on a piece of paper.


"I couldn't sleep last night. Why? Because I couldn't calm down. Why? Because I felt too tired to consciously steer myself to calm down. Why? Because of the conversation earlier. What happened there? I was forced to pretend everything was okay when it wasn't."

You can keep going after this until you feel satisfied with your answers.

Afterwards, I also like to write something similar to this:

"Conclusion: tough conversations overdrain energy. Next time I should strive to mask less/plan recovery activities afterwards, etc."

Finally, labeling emotions is a skill that will come to you after persistently working on it. Don't give up! And read as much as you can about it.

[–] gvalia@lemm.ee 1 points 3 weeks ago

Beads has a special mode with its own wavetable banks, so you can use it as a granural synth basically. Although, if you know how to play with feedback well, you don't really need to feed it too meaningful of a material to get gnarly sounds out of it. In addition, you can feed standard line level signals into Beads, which means that it's compatible with virtually any audio device.

[–] gvalia@lemm.ee 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Yes, I've been into VCV rack and Cardinal for a while. My primary use case is idea/sample generation and it's spectacular for that.

Maybe once I learn the sequencers I'll make whole tracks in it.

By the way, you should not be afraid of modular hardware. Get a versatile effects module (for me, Mutable Instruments Beads) and use it as an effects processor.

[–] gvalia@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I tried to get into IRC, but it lacked a lot of things that are basic nowadays, such as the ability to view past history of the chat and embedding media. I didn't want to sit around for hours just to see what people would write about.