
joined 2 years ago
[–] hobbsc 5 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Late to the party but I use several from third reality for temp/humidity both indoor and out. They're ZigBee based and I just have a little ZigBee dongle attached to my server. Basically no setup needed once the dongle is up. Just add batteries and then add them in HA.

[–] hobbsc 2 points 1 month ago

I use threema with family but getting others to use yet another app (especially for thin social connections) is difficult.

Depends on your threat model though, I guess.

[–] hobbsc 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Having been around since the early days of identica/statusnet: no, not really.

It's always been small and a generally nice set of communities but it won't reach a large enough audience to matter. US (and to some degree) global politics are such a clusterfuck that it'll take more than some little servers with people discussing open source software and art or whatever to create substantial change.

that's not to say it's pointless. it's nice to have these little groups to focus on. it doesn't give me any hope but it does regulalry lift my spirits.

EDIT: I also dont think it needs to be any kind of agent or tool of change. Why can't it just be what it is? Groups of people socializing with one another?

[–] hobbsc 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

is cockpit on a server by server basis or can you monitor multiple servers with it?

[–] hobbsc 1 points 1 month ago

checkmk user here. i can second the adjustment phase. i tend to ignore my servers but when something goes sideways it's awesome to have checkmk's structure in place.

[–] hobbsc 2 points 1 month ago

DoDonPachi Resurrection

[–] hobbsc 41 points 1 month ago (2 children)

you folks are still scrimbling? hacker news says you can get much better results if you dronkle instead. in fact, you don't even have to worry about your implementation, just use the kneeb.io api for all of your dronkling (and scrimbling i guess via their legacy api deprecated last month). they just got seed funding and they reinvested that into their infrastructure. this is a no brainer!

[–] hobbsc -5 points 2 months ago
[–] hobbsc 12 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I'm a daily driver of Bazzite and Bluefin. I felt this way initially but it's been generally painless. I typically check flatpak -> app image -> homebrew -> distrobox when I need something. If that fails, I use rpm-ostree and reboot.

I work in development/devops/infosec by trade and to date there hasn't been a single package or program that I needed that I couldn't get running with minimal fuss. I've even run a couple of MDM packages that my work requires.

[–] hobbsc 2 points 2 months ago

just got this running on my computer. pretty excited to try a few rounds.

[–] hobbsc 3 points 2 months ago

Ketsui Deathtiny 1CC in Deathtiny mode.

Danmaku Unlimited 3 (sadly on two credits)

Titanfall 2

[–] hobbsc 2 points 2 months ago

Really love Organic Maps. I live in a semi-rural area, though, so the only issue I've had with it is getting it to recognize addresses. I can navigate "close enough" in most cases to get there. Solid project.

submitted 2 years ago by hobbsc to c/hurtdesk

I have posted regularly on the hurtdesk but this user still tries to impersonate me. I am hobbsc not handyc. You can c my trouble, clearly. handyc must go.

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