
joined 2 years ago
[–] 17 points 10 months ago (1 children)

As a dork on the internet I should not have a better understanding of history than this guy. When has US intervention ever been good? He has to be thinking of Germany, Japan and Korea, but it's not like that was the old US and this is the new US, the old US was also doing horrific crimes during this time. And his assessment of politics, what the actual fuck, reads like pure lib cope. On what planet would the US invade Gaza to protect Palestinians from Israel? The whole point is that Israel does the dirty work for them. They don't need boots on the ground, because corporations are multinational, that's the whole point, even without all the sweet donor money.

[–] 27 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Hope they paid "market value" and not inflated prices

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

yeah but if it moves so much as an inch I'm clocking it immediately

[–] 9 points 10 months ago

Travelled all the way to London to see this and it's even more impressive in person

[–] 16 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Liberals love to hand wring about the ethics of armed resistance but when an actual genocide is going on they can't stop themselves from supporting it. I heard Biden was "pissed of" with Netanyahu behind closed doors before shipping another $1b in weapons.

Having said that, almost everyone that was killed was a member of the armed forces. A good portion of the rest were proven to killed by Israeli friendly fire. Many of the hostages themselves have been killed by the bloodthirsty IOF since then.

and having said all that, settler-colonists that have actively invaded and occupied other people's land do in fact deserve at the very least express deliverance to face eternal torture in hell

also framing the conversation like "do you condemn hummous" and not "do you condemn 70+ years of Israeli occupation and apartheid" really says a lot

[–] 18 points 10 months ago

Maybe they can partner with that Russian company that took over McDonalds

[–] 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

tbh they made themselves sound like a fascist who is OK with capitalism but abhors things like individual liberty eg freedom from slavery so I think they just want to own people, possibly only a subclass of people?

[–] 13 points 10 months ago

It's OK I'm sure you will be fine so long as you are not the kind of person to smash a pot on the counter, break the spout and then act completely oblivious to the fact it is broken

[–] 27 points 10 months ago (2 children)
[–] 8 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Unless you have a compromised immune system (in which case you are gonna die if you go to work anyway) then you can afford to touch the tap. No one is sticking their butt in it so the water itself is clean. Literally just wash your hands with soap and shut it off with your elbow or whatever. You are more likely to get e coli when touching the door handle to exit the bathroom.

As for keeping the cup clean, if they use a dishwasher it will be clean, if they don't you are right to worry, so take your cup home or something.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago

Well it's like wearing your coat indoors, you look like a tit


I support Left media because of course I do, I'm not going to get my news after it has been heavily censored by the bourgoisie, but there isn't an issue of The Communist (the newspaper of the IMT in Britain formerly known as Socialist Appeal) which gets printed that doesn't dedicate some part to attacking The Morning Star (the newspaper of the CPB), The Communist Party of Britain, or Stalin, and usually they work something in there about modern China too.

The most recent beef between the IMT and the CPB as far as I have been paying attention springs from this article published by The Communist in response to a series of articles on Lenin published by The Morning Star:

Despite its name, this party [The Communist Party of Britain] has long ago become a reformist organisation, little different from the trade union and Labour ‘lefts’

While probably a bit true this is also funny, since before changing their name to The Communist and announcing the launch of the new Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Appeal had been a force dedicated to entry-ism within the Labour party, that is before it was finally ruled in July 2021 that anyone associated with Socialist Appeal would automatically be expelled from the Labour party. Prior to this, Socialist Appeal had been very clear that they had no other aspirations besides pulling the Labour party left, and actually their entire existence can traced back to a previous round of left purges within the Labour party prior even to Blair, when in 1991 the left group Militant abandoned Labour to form their own party (later known as the Socialist party, they made impressive gains as part of the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition in 2015 before throwing their support behind Corbyn a few years later).

Those who remained within the Labour party went on to become Socialist Appeal, and it is just funny to me how things have come full circle since then. Those within the Socialist party must be feeling quite vindicated by now.

Then in the latest issue of The Communist, there is this article:


The launch of The Communist and the planned launch of the Revolutionary Communist Party in May has met with great enthusiasm from our supporters.

However, as we reported in the last issue, the misnamed Communist Party of Britain (CPB) has clearly been stung by our successes, and attacked us as coming from an “anti-communist” tradition.

On the contrary, we have consistently defended genuine communism. But in doing so we reject the tradition of Stalinism, which has played, and still plays, a criminal role.

It is good to see left newspapers fighting eachother over disagreements which occurred over 100 years ago. If only there was some way we could use the benefit of hindsight to evaluate who was right and who was wrong, what worked and what didn't, what needs to be done differently next time, but sadly there is a huge overlap between people willing and able to write lengthy articles in fringe newspapers and people who are actually just huge dorks, heavily invested in squabbling over petty minutaee and championing their favourite heroes, like they are comic book characters.

What does it matter if Trotsky is right about permanent revolution, if no Trot organisation has ever accomplished anything in 100 years? Was Stalin wrong to withdraw support from the international community and order others to lay down their arms and co-operate with the bourgeoisie? For sure, the USSR was villified for supporting them anyway. Was Stalin wrong for cracking down on security within the USSR? I don't know, have you seen what happens to fledgling communist states when they do not?

I really don't know enough to be able to comment on everything, and I don't see the need to, either. Just the bitchiness from these orgs is such a turn-off, stop fighting and kiss eachother. Oh no, Special Branch wouldn't like that.


One of the OG Runescape devs from 2003 has been working on this for the last 10 years apparently and just announced it


Obviously just exagerating, but it was not was I was expecting.

I had spent a few months in Turkey earlier in the year and been really disappointed to learn that the British do it better for once, so I was excited to get home and try it again. I moved to Scotland shotly after I came back, and I figured it would be just the same. It is not.

First of all, the pros:

In Scotland you have the option to get a munch box, which contains doner meat, a variety of pakore, and the legendary pink sauce. This shit is good, and the portions are abundant, to say the least.

Later though when I wanted to get a regular doner kebab, the salad was not on point, and the sauce, first of all they didn't even have garlic sauce as an option, and when I learned that the chilli sauce was sweet instead of tangy, oof. Not good.

While I have continued to adore Scottish cuisine for being exactly the kind of food I imagine stuffing my face with when I am drunk or high, my rose tinted glasses were broken. If they can commit such a cardinal sin as this, what else can they do?

A doner kebab pie.

I saw one today in the co-op and immediately had to try it. This is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my entire life, and the sweet chilli sauce made it taste vaguely Chinese, like char sui? God damn, I could eat these all day. I had an Irn Bru energy drink to go with it.


an insane combo you can impress your friends and relatives with tomorrow


Every time I log in I get the exact same recommendations. Literally the exact same ones, every single time, for months at a time, so I can't just refresh the page like I would on TikTok and get all new videos to watch. Plus, the recommendations are so bad, I may as well be scrolling Facebook. They are bad, and there is a huge recency bias. I watch one new thing, and suddenly almost my entire feed is made up of more of the same, and usually it isn't even similar videos, it is the same videos on the same exact topic. I feel like I have such a diverse range of interests, and so many channels that I follow, but I can go years without these channels coming up again.

I feel like the fix would be so easy as well. Option 1, go back to how it was before, and option 2, show me things that other people are watching. If someone watched the same video as me, the video they watch afterwards is probably going to be of interest to me.

That's the background, my question is has anyone else been able to make their YouTube recommendations not shit? Is there another website that mirrors YouTube but has good recommendations? and also, does anyone have any theories as to why YouTube recommendations are so horrendous? There must be a reason, it doesn't make any sense.


This remains the definitive telling of Dune in my eyes. Character design was on point, gameplay was fire. I just want to return to the glory days of compelling factions and cinematic story telling. Command and Conquer. Red Alert. This. Generals. Is it so much to ask to want to play both a movie and a videogame at the same time? It is not surprising that I grew up addicted to Metal Gear Solid.

Feel like shit, just want them back.


I have one of these shitty little Nest devices in my house to control the lights and play music and it is such a gaslighting piece of shit, I hate it.

Me: "OK Google, turn on Living Room Light", "I'm sorry, there are no lights available right now". My wife: "OK Google, turn on Living Room Light", "OK, turning on Living Room Light".

Me: "OK Google, play Spotify", "I'm sorry, there is no Spotify account connected right now". My wife: "OK Google, play Spotify", "OK, playing Spotify".

And it's always spying on me, always listening.


Last time I sat an exam (remotely) I had this song on loop. It really helps to set the stakes.


Could easily be a cat, wouldn't even need a costume.


Metoclopramide. It's an anti-emetic, which means it is intended to stop you throwing up. It works by suppressing your diaphragm or something, which means it also stops your hiccups. Works like a charm. If I could get this on the dark web, I aboslutely would. Sadly the only way to get it to go to hospital for vomiting :(


I don't have pics to accompany most of this story, but this weekend we made a roast, and collected the drippings to make a gravy, and yesterday I had a roast chicken and stuffing bread roll with mustard and cranberry sauce. We browned a bunch of onions, added this to the gravy, and used this as a dipping sauce. It was glorious.

Today, we used the leftover onion gravy to do a makeshift onion soup. We added some more chicken to this, and also did dumplings.

It may look bad, especially the plate (I did not want to burn myself bringing it in, so I used the plate I had been keeping utensils on) but I assure you it was divine.

Look forward to doing something again next week.


Currently enjoying 40% off for the third month running big-cool

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