[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk -3 points 6 months ago

What if you got a bonus for taking an external training? Still no? This seems like a weirdly hard line to draw fo a bonus

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 1 points 6 months ago

You should read Exhalation by Ted Chaing if you haven't already. It's a quick read

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 2 points 7 months ago

Ask yourself this though, if the debate were over something like, the right to own a platypus, instead of the right to own a person, do you think there would have been a war? Of course not, because it wasn't about what was or wasn't written down or any technicality, it was about slavery. It would have been the same outcome no matter what the law said because at the end of the day some people wanted slaves, and other found the practice abhorrent - it was a fatal flaw baked into the founding of the country. And as the scales began to tip against the slave holders they found whatever reasons/excuses/whatever they needed to to retain their power

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 1 points 8 months ago

Not meaningless. Its a great indicator of wealth inequality

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 1 points 9 months ago

In MI I could go swimming in the lakes. In OR its less ideal

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 3 points 9 months ago

Yeah for MI this is an absolute win. Look at all that gained lakefront

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 3 points 9 months ago

I think this is what a lot of people here miss. Yes many people can be productive from home, but a few are not and I could see them ruining it for everyone on some teams. If you say 'just fire them' you either work for a terrible company or have never been a manager. It doesn't work like that, for good reason.

The other one I think a lot of people miss is training. I'm not worried about my senior engineers, I'm worried about my junior engineers. The juniors specifically complain about seniors not being around to train them and I worry about their career development. Obviously it depends on the role/type of work/etc, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect some time in the office for senior positions that are responsible for training others. My junior staff shows up to the office voluntarily every day because they see a lot of value in it in terms of technical growth.

And before you say they can just call/message. Sure, but they won't. Even in the office I have to go up to junior staff and only then do I get the 'well while you're here'. I know there's a lot of shit managers and shit companies out there but I think blanket saying ' any form of any level of in office work is tyranny!!!1!' is really oversimplifying things. Also, not everyone writes code for a living, you're in a bubble. I'll now accept all your hate

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 2 points 9 months ago

There was a reddit thread years ago about 'you've just finished life beta, what advice do you have for the devs?'

My favourite comment was 'llamas spit, like, a lot. I think it's a bug'

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 1 points 9 months ago

That essential list seems a bit weird to me. Are people really eating that much bacon? And no veg?

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 1 points 11 months ago

I mean, that assumes all people are equally qualified for all positions doesn't it? If the market demands 500 plumbers but there's only 400 licensed plumbers, I'd call that a labor shortage. Now, hopefully this leads to pay increases for that trade which in turn increases the number of people pursuing it, but the problem does exist for some period of time. I feel like pretending it doesn't belittles the pro worker argument

[-] itsprobablyfine@feddit.uk 2 points 1 year ago

Not OP but Baconreader had ads but they were small, obvious, and always in the same place. So I left them there cause I figured gotta fund the thing somehow

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