Ollie's has taken up the market, it would seem.
Destruction of property across state lines.
I really enjoy this one. Easily my favorite.
I don't really agree about the idea of Lemmy as a whole being any less inclusive than any other corner of the internet. If anything, I would say it is slightly more inclusive (though some of it definitely is not genuine, like the entire instance that will go full white knight mode).
The example, and what went on in the comments here is my first experience with this particular brand of transphobia. I've honestly had to do almost zero moderation in the trans focused community I made.
The amount of blatant hate that has been thrown my way (threatening and insulting DMs etc) has been about proportional to the user base here.
I'm sorry that drag has been the target of this kind of garbage, and thanks for making me aware of it. I hope drag keeps up the fight and doesn't let people get drag down.
It has always been popular,. I watched it then too. I think it's just that the fan base for anime in general is much, much bigger now so things get a lot more exposure.
But, but USB stands for Universal Serial BUS
I'm going to be sincere here. If you are regularly tired, lacking sleep, or have the "Leave me alone until I've had coffee" archetype; look for work at a different shift. Seriously. I was completely miserable at my java web dev job right out of college circa 2001. After a couple of years, I believed that I could not do my hobby as a job because I was completely miserable. Time passes with shitty dev jobs until 2003, I somehow got an apprenticeship doing machining. It was 2nd shift exclusively. It revolutionized me as a person. I'm 2nd shift, through and through. I guess that my point here is that if your eyes don't naturally open really early, there are options and you should listen to your body.
I prefer the cereal experiments instead of the serial experiments.
"I specifically told you that png is superior. "
If it is attached to a gun that you use to break a window, yeah it counts. I guess you could theoretically throw it through a window across state lines, though which is kinda hilarious.