[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

Wow, that actually helps a lot, thanks for the tips. Holding it like you described helps a lot. I can tell this is more like I hold my Steam Deck (a looser grip, especially with the thumbsticks being higher on the Deck).

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by kaseijin@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

Did anyone else get their Playstation Portal? I'm having issues with couch seating and my natural grip position. The grip is fine, but the screen angle points upward too much, resulting in glare from whatever is behind and above me (a window, no less). I can change my grip to angle the screen downward towards me, but it's really uncomfortable. Things are better if I sit straight up and hold the Portal lower.

But I'm a a creature of comfort and I'm going to be sitting chill on the couch using this thing. I honestly don't understand how this is even a problem; I never even thought about this ever with my Switch or Steam Deck. Did Playstation not, like, survey a bunch of 30-50 year olds who are probably gonna kick back on a couch to use this thing?

Update: I changed my grip a bit and it helped! Also, holding it upright closer to my face feels okay, too. Lost track of time and my hand wasn't in any discomfort after a few hours, trying various games in different genres.

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Doesn't scratch the same itch yet. I have to cheat and go check out reddit every now and then.

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago

I couldn't even get pass the login screen since I only lurked and never made an account (despite spending over a decade browsing reddit). I remember they used to let you use the app without logging in.

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Maybe we need an extremely strong and centralized non-profit with their own Reddit/Twitter/etc. clone. As long as it's open data and open source, I don't really care that it's centralized. We need some entity with enough resources and trust so they can fend of corporate takeover. My vote is Wikipedia, Mozilla, or Linus Torvalds (I want the man himself, not the Linux Foundation).

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Gilmore Girls has plenty of plotlines that can appeal to all peoples. If you can get past the teen romance plots, there's something for everyone. And there's always Kirk.

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 59 points 1 year ago

Third party apps present a username and password field to log into a Lemmy instance. They can easily just steal your credentials. There are standard auth flows to solve this problem. The fact that Lemmy devs have willfully ignored this issue for years, and that they aren't warning users not to trust third party apps, lead me to believe they don't really care about security, which is the biggest red flag. There's finally an open github issue that seems to be acknowledged, but it'll be some time before this feature (if ever) ever gets implemented.

-Posted from a third-party app; yea, i gave them my password blindly.

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

I don't see what the big deal is even. Developers can just continue using the same tooling, and just target a higher graphics budget. Surely Nintendo isn't so crazy as to introduce some backward incompatible changes?

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Don't forget the part where your teammates all die with 15 seconds left and you end up losing by 7p, after having controlled the map the rest of the time.

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Give me a Nintendo Phone. I already pay big bucks for a phone every few years; what if I pay big bucks instead for a Nintendo Phone that can also play Nintendo games?

I'd love to just whip out my Nintendo Phone and play a quick match or two of Splatoon or solve a few shrines in Zelda wherever I am. I can already imagine the increased netcode lag over cellular data in Splatoon already... maybe it isn't a good idea...

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

7e-1, anyone?

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

It's cool we all want the new community to succeed and get live updates on things being fixed or worked on. There's some shared misery in growing pains/bugs as we all stress test the system, but I think that only somehow brings more communal joy when the problems are fixed.

[-] kaseijin@lemmy.world 54 points 1 year ago

Over a decade lurking on reddit; never posted. Just made a lemmy account. I don't need lemmy to be "the next big thing"... just need it to not be overrun by bots and astroturfing. Hopefully some of the smaller subs I visit move over.

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