[-] korthrun 25 points 1 week ago

"Is anyone else constantly getting logged out of slack?" - The last message I ever got from my favourite co-worker.

[-] korthrun 35 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's all about context. If you write a convenience function and put it in zshrc, scripts you run from the cli will not have access to the function as defined in zshrc. Same with aliases added by zsh plugins etc.

If you need "the thing" on the command line, zshrc. If you also need it in scripts you run from the cli, toss it in the profile file.

ETA: I personally keep the functions I want to access from scripts in .zshenv as I recall reading that this file is ALWAYS sourced.

[-] korthrun 14 points 3 months ago

I do greatly appreciate my management and general company tech culture, they're great.

I agree with your stance here, because it's part of my point. I tend to see more people bitching about Agile itself and not management or their particular implementation.

The jobs where I was only given enough info to plan 2 - 4 weeks out were so stressful because I frequently felt like I was guessing at which work was important or even actually relevant. Hated it.

Turns out it's a skill issue ;p (on the management level to be clear). Folks, don't let your lazy managers ruin you on a system that can be perfectly fine if done right.

[-] korthrun 15 points 5 months ago

Configuration management and build automation are definitely worth the time and effort of learning. It doesn't have to be ansible, find which tool suits your needs.

[-] korthrun 30 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Ah yes, the core definition of communism: a small farm offering a delusion of independence, which is run within a capitalist system.

[-] korthrun 20 points 9 months ago

Bonus tip: Many distros make this info available on the cli by including a "hier" man page that you can read using the command "man hier".

[-] korthrun 18 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There is literally an image of it happening in the linked article. Followed by more pictures that help make this make sense. That's how.

[-] korthrun 23 points 1 year ago

An absolute lack of consideration in regards to chat etiquette. Man now that I think about it, it's chat threads/notification in particular.

People who carry on side conversations in threads. You're giving everyone else who has participated in the thread the choice of "disable notifications for this thread and risk missing something relevant come back around, or get a notification for every single side message they're sending". Especially when someone is chiming in like 4 hours later. "Glad you guys got this sorted out". Yes, all 12 of us on-call people in this thread needed to get that message direct to our phones at 3a.m. 4 hours after the outage has been resolved. Thanks for that. Very fucking helpful. High value communication.

People who will not use threads. I don't need a new fucking notification every 20 seconds because you guys are deciding to have a chat about e-bikes. Make a goddamn thread or use a room made for chit chat, we're all on the same team, we're all in on-call positions. I'm paid to respond when this thing makes a noise. I am NOT comfortable muting the team channel.

It's addressed elsewhere in these comments, but +1 to folks who just message you "hi". Go get stabbed.

On the topic of notification fatigue:

People who will just not finish a thought.

Before hitting their enter button.

So they end up like doing this thing.

Where you get a notification every 15 seconds, because they are just absolutely addicted.

To their enter key I mean.

They are addicted to thier enter key.



I guess I could have just edited that message instead of sending the correction with the thing.

Asterisk? Asterisx? I forget what it's called.


Anyway, that thing.

Also, when I'm helping you I am 100% going to stop what I am doing every time I get a message and read the message. There's no way for me to know whether or not you're messaging me "Oh never mind, I had a typo" or "here is more relevant info to make your work easier". That message may very well have immediate impact on what I'm doing, and affect the course I take. Of course I'm going to stop what I'm doing to read it. So maybe don't wait 5 minutes to send me the message "k" after I kindly, thoughtfully provide you with the status update "I think it's the fizzibob, let me verify in the logs real quick" of my own volition so that you are not only aware of what's going on, but don't have any question as to whether or not your question is still being looked at.

[-] korthrun 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

At this point my taste buds are even burnt out on good IPAs (for those who accept such a premise as possible).

I'm lucky enough to see some good reds/stouts/etc come through a few times a year, but the ratio of IPA:Not is just ridiculous IMO.

[-] korthrun 39 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I am about 12 years into using Agile at my work place and I am about a decade in to being dumbfounded at the fucky implementations I read about in this type of post and it's comments.

We are never asked to turn our cameras on during any of our agile related meetings. In any meetings really. Some people do it, some people don't, I don't think I've ever had someone ask me to turn my camera on at work.

How do you even set a color for a meeting? Is that an outlook thing? Are you scheduling meetings in JIRA? I honestly don't even understand how one uses a color for a meeting. I would love an explanation of this :D

I've never once used a sticker, virtual or not, to tell others how I feel (at work). I'll assume this is a retrospective thing. We mention anything that happened in the last sprint where we think we as a team need to do one of:

  • Start doing X
  • Keep doing X
  • Stop doing X

Then the team has a quick anonymous vote and if we have a majority we either start, stop, or continue doing X.

e.g. "The slack workflow we implemented in our public channel last week was used 15 times. We should definitely keep prioritizing moving FAQ type items to slack workflows"

Quoting from some of the comments

Its literally hand holding and baby sitting.

That's about your team and/or your teams leadership, not scrum.

checking in from the 45 minute “stand up” in which 10 people have their cameras on but only 3 people speak.

This is about your scrum masters inability to keep the meeting focused. We just do a straight up rotation, alphabetical by first name. Any time we are in danger of devolving into dev/engineering discussion our scrum master interjects and the conversation is saved for after standup or a meeting is setup depending on the topic. More often than not we give our updates and then say something like "JoBob I'll need some time from you sometime today to discuss how to integrate with the thingamajig" or "After standup I'd like to talk to the team about XYZ". We sometimes certainly have 3 people start trying to engineer a solution when someone says "I couldn't figure out how to schoop the woop, so I'm still working on that." but again our scrum master will say "Oh, JoBob is the schoop the woop SME, why don't we chat it out after stand up".

I hate that paragraph but I can't find a good place to break it up, sorry.

Most of the complaints I see (overall, not just in this post/comments) come down to really basic shit:

  • Your scrum master is fucking terrible at their job
  • Your team actually does behave like a group of toddlers
  • Your manager is actually a micromanager and this is just another micromanaging tool to them
  • You're bending your team/process to fit agile, and not bending agile to fit your team/process

I want to give two examples addressing my last list item.

First: We do not have stand ups scheduled 5 days a week. We found a cadence that makes sense for our teams work pace and our sprint duration.

Second: There's such a thing as tasks that take less time/effort than writing the associated JIRA story would take. My team has agreed to just not bother with a story in these cases. It fits our workflow better and as a group of adult human beings we accept that it's a waste of time/effort to write four paragraphs and a customer value statement for what essentially comes down to "type the number 70 into a form on a website and hit submit".

Again as adult humans we also try to be aware of and avoid abuse of this mentality, and make sure we aren't just doing mental gymnastics to avoid writing a story for something. When someone says "eeehhhh maybe we should throw a story on the backlog about that", we just suck it up and do it.

This shit is so easy, and so helpful, it's crazy to me how ridiculous y'all make the process.

edit: I will add that if you Masto-stalk me you'll definitely find me bitching about long stand ups. FWIW that's almost invariably when the scrum master is out and management has decided to run the meetings because none of the team felt like stepping up and doing it for a few days. i.e. it's our own fault when it happens to us.

[-] korthrun 37 points 1 year ago

I believe the phrase is "domestic supply of infants".

[-] korthrun 18 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My take on this issue is that this sounds like a Musicbee promotion :p

How can a player that allows you to almost completely design your own UI be "clunky and clumsy"? foobar2000 can be anything from an unscrollable auto-generated playlist of "odd numbered tracks in the deathmetal genre" showing only "stop" and "play" buttons, to a dynamic / responsive UI that auto-scrolls song lyrics in time with the song that's playing.

If you don't like it, you don't like it and that's fine. Reading "clumsy" and "clunky" used to describe foobar2000 make me wonder what your approach to evaluating music players even is though.

Take this as a suggestion to give foobar2000 a little more time/effort. If you just aren't into that though, I'd say Clementine is pretty solid.

If you add an edit to your post listing out your requirements, dealbreakers, and maybe giving a little detail on what you didn't like about the players you listed, you'll probably get responses that are more helpful :D

submitted 1 year ago by korthrun to c/guitars@lemmy.world

In the last 15 seconds of the song I've linked to there's a guitar solo with a super cheesy early 80s tone that I love.

I'm curious what's typical for this sort of sound. I've just recently started trying to take more active/conscious control of tone so my ear for this stuff is weak. I think I hear some flanger, light to mid gain, and a lot of delay, but that's about all I got.

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