My mind when reading "The cat is faster and has sharper teeth and nails. It has no code of ethics or consideration for its own future":
There will be more controlposting going forward
This is called "art".
This is the legacy and heritage of the West.
This is what men of the West fight, sacrifice and die for.
This is victory.
I'm the happiest past 9pm, guess I'll just give up then
POV, you are Lula in the next 3 weeks:
Now what the hell does this mean "beni Çekemeyne ANTEN, Çözemeyne DECODER, Dengesine TERAZi ve Elekktrikk Alamayana TRAFO Temin Edilir... NOT: MONTAAJÜCRETSiZDiR..."?
It's Turkish for something like "An ANTENNA is provided to those who cannot attract me, a DECODER is provided to those who cannot decipher me, a SCALE is provided to those who cannot [....], and a TRANSFORMER is provided to those who cannot [....].... NOTE: INSTALLATION IS FREE..."
When I die I hope my skull gets stolen by a fucking dweeb who sticks his dick in my eye socket and posts it on 4chan!
Reminder that yeet is a keyword in rust
Time to update