Can it make a 90° turn at full speed?
Maybe 3 inches of pickles!
If I could earn enough while sleeping to spend my days playing games and watching Judge Judy reruns, plug me in!
So am I, but I don't act like this.
It's been a long time since I've been in Anthropology class, but this isn't something we were taught academically. Cultural Anthro is all theory-based, academics get paid to publish theory arguments. Imo, biologically, women carried babies, men didn't, there would have been associated cultural roles to accomodate this as successfully as possible. The idea that it's popular theory this meant men hunted and women gathered is just sensationalist. It's niether competely wrong nor completely right. There are elements of both throughout many cultures. It's the idea that it's all or nothing is wrong.
It goes "do you speak-a my language?", just had to say it.
Saggy Hammerpants. My sister wore them way back, looked like diaperpants back then too.
Former alcoholic here, although I abhor the term, Ill use it for simplicity. Imo, excess drinking is a symptom of other problems. I quit because I didnt want to die like that which is the inevitable outcome. But I had to get my other problems dealt with in order to quit, because for a while, like 10 years, I don't think I cared, so I needed my doctors help with that. Mainly, I didnt want my grandkids to remember me like that, dying of alcohol-related problems, nor did I want my spouse to die like that, bc we were drinking partners. So I had to get her to quit too, which eventually came down to alcohol or me, so she chose me.
"Turn on, tune in, drop out" 2.0
Three of the four arms sticking upwards don't look like they're attached to anybody. The one on the far left, that one is obviously attached to the guy there, but whose hand is he holding? That lady next to him? The arm is twisted around. And the two arms on the right side, they look disembodied, like they are props in a group photo. Weird.
I'm replacing reddit with my cousin Lenny
I had a dog that would hump stuffed animals, didn't matter what kind of stuffed animal. Humans live by our culture, which is highly symbolic learned behaviour.