I would also love to see a sepia color scheme option in addition to the dark/light mode. The less harsh contrast is nice on eyes.
I think because that to minimize damage for a full acute withdrawal. As I understand it, benzos increase GABA that is depleted from alcohol, because NMDA recovers more quickly and is excitable, causing the twitching, seizures, etc.
This seems like a slow wean off with social and housing support to replace the dependency on alcohol. Kind of makes a lot of sense.
I tried some Anker Liberty 4 earbuds and have found the ANC pretty good. They do stick out a bit so lying on your side wouldnt work, but there are these smaller ANC earbuds from Anker that might be worth a try: https://a.co/d/ggtEPov
Huh, that’s interesting that it was around the same time period. It also sounds similar, minus some of the mysticism and anti-science and more anti-government. I wonder if those students had better experiences. Again, I’m sure it depends on the specific instructors and leadership members at the location, since the curriculum is not centralized. I have to wonder if this could be an advantage to having more emphasis on the topics important to that community/region, as opposed to a generalized education curriculum.
What is the overall goal to teach them? Do they need to be journal articles? The most “grabby” headliners I have noticed are on marketing items. Especially if you want to appeal to a younger audience, you could screenshot examples from Snapchat tabloids. “Top 17 ways to get your SO to notice you more,” “Prince Harry did the unthinkable,” “How to instantly cut fat out of your diet,” etc.
Their goal is to “hook” you into reading or scrolling or watching. Journal articles might do this on a much milder scale. “Novel method for disposing of plastics.” So you think: Novel? Must be revolutionary. Let’s find out.
Idk I hope that helps.
I think that’s a great way to put it, “Platonic ideal love.”
And I somewhat agree that there is a use for distinguishing from romantic love, but I think it would be even more helpful if there were more descriptions for the different kinds of love, like one for companionship love, loving a family member, loving a passion, etc. They somehow all get lumped together to “love.” Maybe that’s a limitation of English as a language too.
I agree, meanings change throughout time. I guess I should have asked should it mean something different? To say platonic love only means non-romantic seems like it belittles the richer meaning of Plato’s views of love as being able to love a passion or eventually beauty itself. How do fully realize to love the concept of beauty itself without first experiencing romantic love? I don’t think a person needs to experience romantic love to experience beauty initially, but to achieve the most developed version of love that Plato describes, how could a person appreciate that without experiencing it?
Reading more about Plato’s thoughts about love, I think I understand what you mean; most of what he described was about the love of questioning and thought. I guess I’m just trying to read between the lines that even if Plato did not value romantic love as highly, is it not a part of “beauty itself”?
I can also confirm two countries in South America that allow this as well.
That’s a good question. From what I gather, Lemmy (and most of the Fediverse) is an alternative to something, with less focus on the money/advertising. So I would guess most people are looking for an alternative way to connect about common interests. And because it’s not the easiest path for social media, I would guess most people have a desire for agency/self-reliance.
And because the whole Fediverse seems to be a different way of approaching social connecting, it takes a little more understanding of computer technology, so I would also guess most people have a least a higher than average affinity for computer technology. Linux and Programming Humor are larger communities.
That said, I have enjoyed a somewhat active participation about woodworking, gardening, jokes, news, medical updates, etc. Like mentioned in another comment, the different instances will have somewhat different norms and practices.
The risk for complications due to chronic hypertension is well known by now, and screening would be nice to increase because of this. But are we just accepting that children have more hypertension now? Should we investigate and address root causes? Is it due to increased childhood obesity or high cholesterol? Chronic stress? Could we improve those to lower blood pressure in the first place instead of just screen and prescribe?
I guess not something that I would change, but I’m very glad we started with a marriage counselor. We did not have any overbearing concerns, but it has been immensely helpful in understanding each other and having a healthier relationship. Sometime people get weird and say “Oh no, a counselor, what’s wrong with your relationship.” Nothing. That is the point. Talk to one to get a baseline and when (not if) challenges come up, you don’t have to waste sessions filling them on your back story. Honestly, I think it should be required to do like three sessions before signing the papers, if nothing else to have someone point some things out that youre blind to otherwise about yourself.
For sure, it’s difficult to break that cycle of anxiety. It has been helpful to understand it a little better. I think out of the strategies that she lists at the end, the one about challenging your assumptions has helped the most. I kind of imagine what advice I would give myself in that moment or what I would challenge someone else on.