[-] mlg@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

CIA actually has had these for decades now, though I don't know if they still employ them considering in person espionage is much rarer these days.

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 100 points 1 month ago

Imagine trying to use Wireshark on windows to debug or look at some service.

Just an avalanche of packets going to 20 different domains on idle.

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 85 points 1 month ago

Google has been pretty crap for a decade now.

I still remember demoing how easily they can manipulate people by searching "Pakistan News" and the results being exclusively all Indian media outlet propaganda way back in 2016.

I really feel like they never got properly exposed for this just because it's a search engine and not a social media, so people didn't care enough about it. Also because Google was still top of the game in most results compared to other sites back then.

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 121 points 2 months ago

I like how stock photoshop refuses to run with wine not because Adobe cares about linux but because of the insane amount of DRM that harasses you on Windows.

Meaning pirated photoshop runs fine on wine lol

I think there's even a github script to do it all for you with gpu acceleration enabled so you don't have to even bother finding a pirate copy.

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 84 points 3 months ago

Gonna go on a slippery slope and say that if they can't be trusted to properly report on a genocide, their other reported material should also not be held to any decent standard because there is clearly a lack of guidance and internal process to prevent poor media writing.

Not to mention there are so many better sources and OSINT stuff these days. Reuters and AP by themselves already provide the sourcing for most of these media outlets, might as well bypass the paraphrasing and potential for bias.

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 117 points 3 months ago

"Lol China will never catch up"

Outsources everything to China

China catches up

"Yeah well China will never become eco friendly"

China starts producing cheap eco friendly tech

Yellen: "Hurr durr muh overproduction will hurt the oil compa- i mean global market"

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 94 points 3 months ago

This happened so long ago that in that time Nawaz Sharif was exposed, charged, dq'd from prime minister, arrested, granted health leave, absconded for several years, waited for new PM to get toppled, got his panama charges repealed, returned to Pakistan, and helped get his brother elected in fraudulent elections.

All while probably continuing to launder his money exactly the same.

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 90 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Doesn't really make sense in the context of windows tbh

sudo = "superuser do"

They should have made it NT-ASdo for "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM do"

Except it should actually be a powershell module so you have to type out the whole thing as NT-AuthoritySystem-Do


[-] mlg@lemmy.world 171 points 9 months ago

every pirate related theme song getting increasingly louder in the background

[-] mlg@lemmy.world 153 points 9 months ago

Gaben already refused to sell to EA and made it abundantly clear that we would rather let valve die than go public.

Microsoft also just recently said they'd buy Nintendo if they could.

All this means is that Microsoft is filthy rich and still doesn't know how to make an original quality game studio. They seem to overly rely on buying out studios and IPs that are successful to rake in more money.

spoilerAll of which reeks of an oligigopoly and reminds me of even worse companies like Oracle and AT&T

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