[-] mox 86 points 1 week ago

Who cares? It’s run by reactionary incels, transphobes, and racists.

Wait until you find out who runs Lemmy development.

[-] mox 100 points 2 weeks ago

KDE Connect also runs on more operating systems. It's worth mentioning to friends who run Windows.

submitted 2 weeks ago by mox to c/technology@lemmy.world
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The return of pneumatic tubes (www.technologyreview.com)
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submitted 4 weeks ago by mox to c/foss@beehaw.org
[-] mox 127 points 1 month ago

users of apps with a communication function would have to agree via terms and conditions or pop-up messages that all images and videos sent to others will be scanned automatically and possibly reported to the EU and the police.

This is more like coercion than consent.

And let's be clear: The goal of legislation like this is not to allow investigating child abusers, which can already be done legally. The goal is to impose mass surveillance on the population, circumventing due process.

[-] mox 88 points 1 month ago

I would love to see a return of wax paper instead of plastic bags.

[-] mox 133 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Not quite as important as the right to repair, but close in spirit: I would love to see a legal requirement for shut-down online games to release the server specs needed for the community to replace/maintain them.

Edit: And data export for existing players, so our game progress can be reconstructed on community servers, of course.

[-] mox 110 points 3 months ago

There's no question that Tesla's signage and policies should have been made more clear, but the main problem I see here is neither of those things.

The problem here is the aggressive and hostile Tesla owner, who chose to pick a fight and call the cops rather than communicating, or even just minding his own business.

[-] mox 82 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Legally guaranteed corporate profits, with enforcement funded by taxpayers.

We should abolish this practice.

[-] mox 129 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I have my criticisms of Steam, but I see no sign of it marching toward some kind of big anti-customer explosion as suggested in this article. Unlike most others, it's run by a privately owned company, so it doesn't have investors pressuring toward enshittification. We can see the result by looking back at the past decade or so: Steam has been operating more or less the same.

Meanwhile, the author offers for contrast Epic Games, a major source of platform exclusives and surveillance software (file-snooping store app, client-side anti-cheat, Epic Online Services "telemetry"), all of which are very much anti-customer.

AFAIK, only one of the other stores listed is actually better for customers in any significant way: GOG. (For the record, I mostly like GOG.) But it was mentioned so briefly that it feels like the author only did so in hopes of influencing GOG fans.

Overall, this post looks a lot like astroturfing. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be sponsored by Epic or Microsoft.

Edit: I forgot something that has changed in the past decade:

Valve has spent the past five years investing in open platforms: At first by funding key parts (often the most difficult ones) of the open-source software stack that now makes gaming great on linux, and more recently by developing remarkably good and fairly open PC hardware for mobile gaming. No vendor lock-in. No subscription fees. No artificially crippled features. This has already freed many gamers from Microsoft's stranglehold, and more of us are reaping the benefits every day.

This is the polar opposite of what the author would have us fear.

[-] mox 94 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Also, why is all harm short of killing someone considered acceptable when police do it?

[-] mox 83 points 4 months ago

Huh. Looks just like Perl.

[-] mox 147 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)
[-] mox 121 points 4 months ago

God bless the reverse engineers and emulator developers.

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