Land of the fee.
It's ad blocking and entire operating systems, or computers configured in any way they don't like.
If this goes through, they can force you to install any plugins they wish, or disable any plugins they wish. Or make sure you don't run Linux and only Windows or Mac. They can force you to have your camera on. They can do anything since they make the rules.
No innovation will take place. Competing browsers or software will not be allowed or manipulated into marketed as "unsafe".
This is a takeover of the open web stack as we know it.
And that's exactly the point. WEI makes it a world where big tech decides if they are going to support a competing browser, a competing operating system like Linux, or plugins against ads. They can also force you to have any number of plugins installed, from their choosing.
It destroys the free web completely.
Try container tabs!
They have separate sessions so you can be logged in to the same site on multiple accounts. This is extreamly useful for stuff like being logged in to github using work account and company account or other sites where you just need many accounts. Aws is another good example.
There is also temporary containers that leave no trace at all.
It may be the last few years of the free web because of Google. Their goals are clear.
Please switch to Firefox, another search engine and another email provider...
I think it's a bit silly to have megathreads just because some users can't scroll past posts that doesnt interest them.
I agree its not great with multiple threads but it's also not the end of the world imo. Users want to talk about these things. Let them.
It's not fun to post on megathreads because your comments get buried. At least it was like that on reddit.
Sort by 6 or 12 hours is super important.
The way they talk to the mods is absolutely infuriating and the "best" part is they they don't even recognize it themselves.
European companies somehow survive just fine with people being in unions. There are many strong protections in place, which is why we have 6 weeks vacations, maternal leave and so on.
Thanks for your hard work! Lemmy is really taking off and it's showing how people can communicate without a corporation in the middle. Somehow this has been lost on younger internet users. They think they need to go to some big tech site to connect to other people. Who made those guys our overlords? Fuck them.
Sure - only people who create content give it away for free.
Reddit is in the business of taking that free labor and telling people they own that data and set rules for it. Got it.
Maybe you didn't see that I wrote fee, not free. :)