Darth Vader: "You are in command now, Admiral Plett"

Plett: (nervously) "Thank you, Lord Vader"

Funny that, I did exactly that with that post... I probably run about 50% overall on these.

Sometimes I look at what I'm about to post and decide that nobody really needs to see that.

Sometimes I look at the other comments and decide I don't want to interact with the whole thing.


Another (US, yes, other cultures feel free to substitute your own here) Thanksgiving. I don't really enjoy turkey, I have food issues anyway, feasting is very conflicted.

Then, there is the enforced extended family togetherness, the clueless rightwing folks carrying on vs the suffering vegans. Everyone expected to be happy. This is almost beyond cliché, but it's real, happens every year.

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Immersion does work, but here's a more enjoyable version:

Take 4 years in school, don't learn enough to talk to anyone.

Marry a Latino/a.

Go visit their original country with them.

Feel like an idiot.

Practice with your spouse.

Go back and feel less like an idiot.

This has the advantage of getting a hot spouse, and slightly less likely to be killed before you learn enough.

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 13 points 3 weeks ago

TL; DR Get in on the scam.

Pick something you like to do, or have a talent for, and plan a path to make money from it. You may still have to work for someone else initially, to develop skills and get experience, but it will be better than doing a shit job only for money.

Research what resources there are to support your startup. Even in places where there is no help from government or anything else for individuals, you will find they want to support business.

Especially if you have extra challenges, if you get good, they will make a narrative around your success and promote you as an example.


NGL, not asking for a friend. Given the current trends in US politics, it seems prudent to at least look into it.

Most of the online content on the topic seems to be by immigration attorneys hustling ultra rich people. I'm not ultra rich. I have a job in tech, could work remotely, also have enough assets to not desperately need money if the cost of living were low enough.

I am a native English speaker, fluent enough in Spanish to survive in a Spanish speaking country. I am old, male, cis, hetero, basically asexual at this point. I am outgoing, comfortable among strangers.

What's good and bad about where you live? Would it be OK for a outsider, newcomer?


I personally don't think it matters much at all, except in channels that specifically identify that way. However, I am male, hetero, cis, so its possible I'm just clueless.


I am looking for a self-improvement alternative to doom scrolling social media in my downtime. In the past, I have done mostly career oriented courses (tech/computer science), but I'm tired of those, want to branch out. Has anyone taken a MOOC class, not necessarily for any specific objectibe, that was especially good?

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

Look, the fascists are having a barroom brawl. Pass the popcorn, would you?


Personally, I like:

Turkish coffee, I received a cezve as a gift, Lots of crema (they don't call it that, but it's very frothy).

Coffee soda. Double shot espresso in a glass of ice, add soda water to taste. Great when it's hot out.

Coffee milk. Same double shot in a glass of milk, with lots of sugar. Reminds me of my childhood. The official state drink of Rhode Island.

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 58 points 4 months ago
  1. Musk pledges enormous amount to Trump
  2. TSLA drops 10% immediately
  3. "I don't subscribe to the cult of personality" No, you subscribe to the cult of money.
[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 50 points 4 months ago

Starting the pool on how long till TFG forgets who he's now running against and starts rantng about Biden at a rally.

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 32 points 7 months ago

Linux might not do everything you want it to, at least not easily, but it usually doesn't do things you didn't ask for, unlike all proprietary OSs these days.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by multicolorKnight@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I figure some kind of camo: The T-Shirt of Darkness

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 34 points 8 months ago

Customer walks out, goes to a non-corporate local diner where they call them "Fruit Pancakes"


What sort of post or comment gets you downvoted the most? Especially if you don't think it's bad behavior in the first place, or don't care. Does not have to be on Lemmy, but we are here... One of the good things about Lemmy IMO is that it's small enough to see the posts that are unpopular. If you do "Top Day" on most channels, you cash reach the bottom, see what people here don't like.
As far as comments, attempting to rebut the person who is telling me my post sucks, is what gets me into negative numbers most often. The OP is going to voite it down, of course, and nobody else cares, usually.


Last year, we stayed in Brooklyn and rode bikes around New York City for a week. We had no car. It was awesome.
I want to do a similar thing in Chicago this year. What are your vacation ideas? Not so much "the dream vacation that I want to do someday but can't", what do you want that you might do soon?


I have been trying to reduce distractions from my phone. I have installed a simple launcher (Niagara), and turned off system notifications on almost all apps.
The good news is that now I can pick up my phone, do something I wanted to do, put it back down and get on with what I was doing. However, sometimes I want to see if I have messages or whatever, without having to open 6 LPs to check each one. Does anyone know of an app that can collect all those, that I can open only when I want to look at them?


For me it's: "Chronic cannabis use during adolescence impairs emotional development in adulthood" "Over achievement in crisis situations is an indicator of ADHD" Both of which provoke "Hmm, ya probably, and fuck you too"

vi or emacs? (lemmy.world)

I think the possible valid answers are: "vi", "emacs", "both", "seriously it's 2024", and " huh?"

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 16 points 9 months ago

Texas isn't a christian theocracy now?

[-] multicolorKnight@lemmy.world 24 points 1 year ago

Q-Tips. Paper shafts, plenty of fuzz on the ends.

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