[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 52 points 1 week ago

Right. When we were all laughing at the people who would have genuine reactions to things people would say to them on the internet because "the internet is serious business lmao," that was totally fine and a different thing. It's those damn zoomers that fucked it all up. Right.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 24 points 1 week ago

When I was a teenager, the discussion was always "would you survive the first wave," and my friends and I were never sure if we would or not. We didn't realize the bar for that was whether or not you would run towards the zombies..

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 42 points 1 month ago

So, to be able to transmit packets wirelessly, it needs a medium to communicate them over. If you stick it in the microwave for a while, it should begin to absorb the microwave radiation. Once it's full enough (minimum 20 minutes in microwave, recommend full hour if you have the time), it should then start emitting excess microwave radiation that your devices can pick up, and then you can check your e-mail.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 53 points 2 months ago

When you only have so much meat to work with, it's vital to at least learn how to photograph it flatteringly.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 36 points 2 months ago

"Hey, man! Glad you could make it! Can I get you anything? Some chips, some pretzels, an entire baguette, maybe some iced tea or something?"

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 38 points 3 months ago

It's easier than you think! Tony Stark became Iron Man by wearing a special suit, right? That's the secret!

That's right! You can upgrade your manhood today simply by dressing like a Fe Male! Confused? Don't worry! There are plenty of resources available! Simply Google "how to dress like a FeMale" and follow whatever results you find without question!

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 48 points 5 months ago

Understood. Time to make a living by butchering my own kind and turning them into sausages.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 22 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Don't forget the rather unfortunate usage of a bunch of people cruising around in the Confederate car all being named "Duke."

See, there was once a man named David, who was the leader of a wacky little group of goofballs back in the '70s. That li'l jokester even went so far as to get everyone to call him a grand wizard, which is such a zany thing to ask people to do, but people totally did it with a straight face

Anyway, I wonder if it's a coincidence. Who knows?

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 29 points 7 months ago

My favorite was always Cocoa-Based Bloodsucking Supernatural Being of European Nobility.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 50 points 7 months ago

I'm biased towards Y2K from the nostalgia, since those were the prime years of my childhood right before my teenage years kicked in.

But, I love the design of that time because of how obsessed with futurism everything was. It took the future chic look of the mid-late '60s and revamped it, taking that hype for the future- with the Space Race- bringing it back, and updating it for the Information Age.

It felt like we, as a society, had so much optimism for the world that was to come. So, if anything, I think that's what I'm mostly nostalgic for. I was so excited to grow up in that world. Damn.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 24 points 8 months ago

No such thing as punching down when everyone is equally represented and cared for. Together, we can make the world a much more hateable place for everyone ❤️

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 22 points 9 months ago

You're a Stardew NPC, and you just got looked up on the wiki. Did they also inexplicably know exactly where to find you at 3:00 PM on a Wednesday?

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