You sure like throwing around the tankie term a lot :/
I’m gonna give the opposite answer than you want. I feel like most movies recently are like that but some I had to get into the right mood to enjoy them. The first time I watched the new top gun I thought it was garbage propaganda then I gotta into jet sims and think it’s an awesome movie. Same with mad max fury road, thought it was trash until I watched 1-3 then 4-5.
I thought that when it was my first mad max film. Going back to the first one I thought it was amazing.
Mail@name is so much better than mine first@fullname.
What is this your alt? Whyre you two posting the exact same content 😭
It looks horrible every time I watch it. Such a disappointment
Didn’t this exact question get asked a week or so ago? Three months too late
I misunderstood your comment as first! It works for me, thank you
Sounds just like warthunder!
Maybe you should balance it out with a more nuanced take. Not everyone who is left of a liberal is pro dictator. Tankie is typically a term liberals who doesn’t understand leftisms use to group it all together with a derogatory meaning.
There are certainly brain dead bootlicking marxists or MLM’s but someone who thinks a communist or ML utopian society is possible is not a tankie.
I would say a tankie is more authoritarian apologist, but it is more meaningless than anything.
Idk to expect a serious reply though ;)