It's as much self preservation, but I think it's a no brainer here. You're not being a dick going over on that side imo.
t9 was a gamechanger
I never regarded him as very smart but he did have interesting guests and good banter, typically. A while before the Spotify buy I thought the quality worsened a lot and he would keep letting his politics shine through too much.
I liked when Bill Burr said he (Joe) couldn't rollerskate because his knuckles would drag on the ground in regards to Joe speculating on Covid without any real qualifications.
Proton is not nothing :(
Why wouldn't they be drugs? The word drug in itself is not negative. Seems to me they are very obviously drugs.
It's a post on robot9000. A user is referred to as a robot, hence the term fembot.
Somehow I don't think lifted trucks are a huge issue on Cyprus.
If you're not stealing from work, work is stealing from you
I'll pay for convenience or a good service. When the legal option is more work than piracy that's a problem. The entertainment industry at this point is kind of infamous for how late they are to adapt to changes. It took ages to accept streaming as a viable option, but they finally accepted it and found a way to make it terrible, too.
It's not convenient when I can't find what I want to watch, it's not convenient when the show I am watching is suddenly gone from the streaming library. It's not convenient when only a sequel to a movie is available for viewing.
Steam is a great example of how to make a great service that is actually convenient.
It's from r9k, robot9000. Everyone is referred to as a robot.
I always liked kids, but never saw myself having any.
I met a girl who was dead set on children and already ended a long relationship due to the partner not wanting kids.
I decided I could have one kid, as long as it was a few years in the future so I could do stuff you don't really do when you have kids.
Years went by, pregnancy happened. Having a kid is exhausting but at the same time having a kid who considers you their most important person in the world is an amazing high and something you will never experience by babysitting someones kid.
I don't regret having my child, I love my child very much and they surprise me every day with how capable they are of stuff, to the point I am amazed this little person is related to me at all.
I'm at peace with my decision even if I had other plans and might sometimes miss what could've been with less responsibility, but at the same time I will grow older and I will have less responsibility as my child gets older too. And as one grows older I imagine running around town being up to no good gets old as well.