[-] poweruser 1 points 5 days ago

Somehow, I have learned this same lesson dozens of times. She has incredible restraint when it comes to saying "I told you so"

[-] poweruser 91 points 1 month ago

Those are luxury bones!

[-] poweruser 32 points 4 months ago

I saw a comic about this once (xkcd, probably?) and going by the scene in the movie, where Legolas has human sized eyes, they deduced that Middle Earth must have an exotic atmosphere

[-] poweruser 34 points 9 months ago

It's also about making sure you can't sue them, even if they did something wrong, even if they did it on purpose, even if they knew it was wrong when they did it.

Instead you must agree to "binding arbitration", so that if you lose they get to learn what strategy works against customers, and if you win they get to learn what strategy doesn't work against customers (but in any case the details cannot be shared with other customers).

Also, you can never participate in a class action suit, so even if they did do something wrong, on purpose, and you convinced a -judge- arbiter, you just get the $12 judgment, or whatever the value is of your actual damages. The corporation can keep the $12 they stole from each of their millions of other customers, who didn't also start arbitration.

It is shocking that it is even legal

[-] poweruser 32 points 11 months ago

The -p option can be used to specify the port number to connect to when using the ssh command on Linux. The -P (note: capital P) option can be used with SFTP and scp.

Why is it that the switch on ssh is -p but in scp/sftp it is -P?

This has caused me a real headache in the past as ssh doesn't throw an error message when you use a switch like "ssh -P 8080"

[-] poweruser 42 points 11 months ago

We're barreling headlong toward global famine but, sure, it's the environmentalists that want to make you eat bugs.

I suppose they are, in the sense that they want everyone to be able to eat...

[-] poweruser 30 points 11 months ago

It's doublespeak, a la 1984. In this case many of the words used are inversions of their usual meaning.

I'll provide some translations:

patriots -> seditionists

biblical -> cloaked in the authority of God – which here must be explicitly stated because their actions are opposed to any God of justice

open boarders -> following legal and ethical principles (remember, these people oppose ethical principles)

peacemakers -> those who use violence, or the threat of violence, to obstruct peace. See also, terrorists

besieged by dark forces of evil -> opposed by morality, ethics, or the law. The addition of "on all sides" changes the 'or' to 'and'

As a bonus, "globalists" is antisemitism. There's an old canard that justice for minorities = communism = Jewish conspiracy. This is particularly common among nazis. The convoy organizer is signaling that their group is accepting of these ideas

[-] poweruser 45 points 1 year ago

I find it really concerning how little we seem to care about potentially harmful chemicals in our food.

"However, if someone is drinking a soda a day, every day, they should be careful and check out the ingredients.”

When I was a young teen I used to drink well over a liter per day of Mountain Dew. That was when it still contained bromine. I drank that much for nearly 10 years.

As someone who thought they lived in a sane society, I assumed it was safe to consume products that were labeled and sold for human consumption

[-] poweruser 34 points 1 year ago

TIL about error 418:

"I'm a teapot This server is a teapot, and it cannot brew coffee."

Apparently it was originally added as an April fools joke way back in 1998 but technically it is a valid error message that sites can actually use!

[-] poweruser 100 points 1 year ago

How could you not include the classic printer lp0 on fire!

I actually got that one around 2010 on Ubuntu. The printer wasn't actually on fire. If I recall it was caused by the network attached printer losing connection during a job

[-] poweruser 76 points 1 year ago

We've had 46 presidents and 91 total indictments. 91 ÷ 46 ≈ 2

The mean average is 2 charges.

It's a joke because all of the indictments are for Trump himself

[-] poweruser 37 points 2 years ago

As someone who primarily used reddit with accessibility apps (RedReader) this would have been awesome.

Sadly, reddit doesn't find me valuable enough to even let me try to use the site in a way that is comfortable for me

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