Trump's "dementia" is really caused by a CIA 5G microchip implanted in his brain. During the attempted assassination, the second shooter in the grassy knoll fired a microchip implant gun that penetrated the wound left by the first shot, thus providing the perfect cover. Now Trump's thoughts are controlled by sympathetic bioresonant microwave thetan energy waves captured by the microchip from dark stealth satellites.
He looks more like a serious person and less like a clown. But in our upside-down world, we send in the clowns.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - Orwell, 1984
This seems so incredibly ill-advised. If students become martyred by trigger-happy snipers, these protests will boil over into open violence. Imagine thousands of videos flooding social media in an instant showing student corpses. I fear that gasoline has been poured and matches are being lit everywhere.
I remember once when I accidentally turned on my phone during a flight instantly the plane started to plummet out of the sky. The phone slipped out of my hands and I groped for it while people and service items flailed around the cabin as the plane tumbled. Finally I slipped out of my belt and grabbed it. With only 10,000 feet of altitude to spare, I finally managed to get the phone to go into shutdown mode by holding the power button down. The plane righted itself immediately, and I slipped the phone into my pocket quietly and kept a low profile for the rest of the flight.
I can only imagine how desperate and helpless an entire generation of children feel in Russia right now, with their fathers sent to die in a worthless war.
Supreme court: preventing hedge funds from owning single-family homes infringes on their free speech to dictate what you have to pay to not be homeless.
The good news is that there's going to be a riveting Netflix documentary about it,
John Fetterman shows the integrity of John Fetterman. I am sure many of his caucus are nervous about maintaining a majority.
He should have let himself be fired. Then he could have brought a lawsuit against the school district over the matter. The school district would have had to demonstrate their reason to fire him on the record. If the researcher received damages for wrongful termination, the taxpayers would know it's their money that is being frivolously spent to support someone's homophobic agenda.
Everyone knows that the real purpose of CAPTCHA tests are to train computers to replace us.
It's going to take a while to torrent a movie on the 40 meter band.