[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 60 points 10 months ago

Here they go again with the silent majority bullshit.

They still can't wrap their heads around the fact that they are a tiny minority.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 78 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah the whole "I love unions, but we at this company are a family so we don't need that", is peak anti-union talk. Throughout history it's been used by people who are horrible to their employees.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 81 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's a custom protocol that uses SSL/TLS for key exchange and such, so it can be detected. It's actually causing huge problems for many large Russian companies, as it's common to use those protocols for remote access, work, etc.

As mentioned in the article you need something like "Shadowsocks" to avoid protocl blocking, since it fully disguises the traffic as standard SSL/TLS. Which was created for, and is still used to circumvent this type of blocking in "the great firewall of china".

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 325 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The ceo is a bigoted asshole, Brave is chromium, it was initially funded by Peter Thiel and they're literally just trying to make their own adsense network.

The self-proclaimed privacy focused browser is tracking your browsing and want to serve you personalized ads, and I think they want to use that tracking data for AI training as well, meaning other people can potentially access it.

And lets not forget about their crypto currency that you can earn by turning on special ads. Which they seemingly unironically called it "Basic Attent Tokens"..

TL;DR: The company is basically a sham company trying to usher in a dystopia. Where you'll get paid for staring at ads, while having all your data stolen and sold back to you.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 65 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

With the TL;DR being: Google/Alphabet wants to more easily block non-chrome browsers ability to use their services, and prevent the use of adblocking.

Which also means that many people using accessability tools will be unable to access them. And they are trying to get Firefox to implement it as well, so they don't take all the blame when shit hits the fan and they start getting multi-billion dollar monopoly fines from the EU.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 55 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

There are multiple stories like that from several people.

Apparently there were people at Tesla who were effectively employed to get fired when he was in one of his moods.

And if you read enough of the stories it all comes down to basically a single PA who kept him away from important things. And that person stopped working for him shortly before the public realized what an asshole he is.

And after learning that, I can't stop wondering who they work for now... And I want to see a show based on their biography.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 111 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Of course they will, and at least 90% of those will stop moderating within a week bcause they have no idea what it entails and just like the sound of having power.

Another 9.99% will push personal agendas, post ads, malware, etc. or a dozen other things that will kill the sub.

In the end they'll probably get decent moderatos for less than a tenth of those they seek.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 61 points 11 months ago

This isn't Nintendo "defying" anything, they're just going with the times.

Clarification: There is no law specifically banning gay marriage in Japan(it's just not included yet), courts support giving gay people constitutional protection, they legally reckognize gay marriage if married in another country, around 70% of people openly support it, etc.

There are also dozens of large cities and wards that have a "civil union" style system that helps with the strict apartment renting system in Japan and similar things like having a right to see your loved one in a hospital, some add provisons so gay couple can adopt as well.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 132 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I find it amazing how no politicians really call out republican use of "urban" when we all know they mean "black".

And they still think it's subtle and clever, and that they "get away with it"... They're so fucking dumb.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 61 points 11 months ago

So like how doctors are oppressing death and disease?

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 72 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Just look at the facts: These are the places where you have to preserve the life of a fetus just because you can hear a heartbeat

Not even.

Women have been forced to carry dead fetuses, which will kill them from sepsis as it starts to decompose.

And the people who voted for it will deny it ever happening, until something similar happens to someone they know. Then they'll cry on the street corners about how unfair it is.

Remember: Scientific studies have shown that many conservatives are cold hearted and stupid, by demonstrating a clear correlation between conservative thinking/behaviour and lower than average cognitive ability and empathy. And literally every single one of them think they are a super genius and they think most people secretly share their political views.

[-] raltoid@lemmy.world 88 points 1 year ago

Update on the vote results, for people who don't want to go there:

  • Pro John Oliver: 61.7k

  • Return to normal: -13.7k.

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