I'll have to ask her. But I'd assume the first step would finding the nearest embassy of your country and ask them for help.
Doch irgendwann schon ... und zwar mit Wums!
And he probably legit believes this is fair and equal
Why should it be? It's a ceasefire deal, not splitting candy between kids. You accept or impose the conditions of the deal based on your position and capabilities on the battlefield.
Well, that was never going to happen.
I was quoting the article that is talking about the withdrawl from Lebanon. Lebanon is not Gaza. Nobody in this comment chain was talking about Gaza until you just now.
I didn't say that?
The ceasefire deal is with Hezbollah (which is in Lebanon) and not with Hamas (which is in Gaza). That is what the article you are currently commenting on, is about.
Usually when people say “decriminalise” it isn’t for crack. It’s for marijuana mostly.
But when they say "decriminalise ALL drugs" ... they are not mostly talking about marijuana. They are talking about ALL drugs.
Decriminalising the selling of crack & meth is just 100% stupid.
I'm not familiar with these US derivatives, but Cocaine and amphetamine/MDMA should totally be legal, nothing stupid about it. They are excellent drugs.
Who is cutting funding for Israel? And if if that was a factor in the recent ceasefire (which I'm not aware off) ... how does that apply to Ukraine? We already cut all "funding" to Russia and sanction them.
So why do you answer with "Ya but ..." but to "Decriminalize all drugs" .. when actually you just mean "no"? The keyword was "all" here.
So you're saying they should be free?
In theory.
In practice it would be very hard and you would require very rigorous definitions of what constitutes hate speech that would have to carefully examined on a case to case basis. So basically you're building a small legal system.
That's impossible to do with volunteer moderators working for free.
I see.