You can definitely do that. It just has to be readable from outside.
Germany - Deutschland, but in English
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Many thanks to for creating this!
Unfortunately not:
If you drive into an environmental zone and have a green sticker on which the number plate is already entered and carry it in the car or place it visibly behind the windscreen when parking, can you be fined in this case? What is the legal situation in this case?
The regulation for displaying the environmental sticker is as follows:
To identify a motor vehicle, the sticker must be clearly visible on the inside of the windscreen. The sticker must be designed and affixed in such a way that it self-destructs when removed from the windscreen (source: 35.Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes).
Carrying and improperly affixing the environmental sticker can result in a fine.
It has been reported in the media, that people were fined, who had the badge attached to a piece of a broken windscreen after it had been replaced.
Okay, thank you. I’ll not risk 100 eur of fine so I’ll fix it correctly. That legislation is so dumb…
That legislation is so dumb…
But you don't need a vignette for Germany?
edit: OP you mean the Umweltplakette (enviormental badge). A vignette is specifically for road taxes.
Its the green one about exhaust pollution for being allowed to enter the city center.
I see.
Thanks and sorry for the confusion, I edited the topic.
What’s the risk ? Since I have the vignette legally paid ?
It's perfectly legal.
There is just the risk of damaging the sticker. They are not made for peeling of and then sticking again.
But if you break the sticker, you can simply buy a new one. Your right to have the sticker is in the vehicle's documents.
As someone else said in this thread, it's not legal. And it's surprisingly expensive, fines for not having the sticker is roughly 100 Euros. I believe getting caught doing what OP has suggested will be fined just the same.
Vignettes were phased out in 2003, mate. You don't need one.
Sorry for referring to that green sticker as a vignette instead of the correct « Umweltplakette ». I edited the post. (You don’t deserve the downvotes)
I still haven't the faintest idea which vignettes were supposedly phased out in 2003, as in Germany we've never had any other badges, beside the orange "G-Kat" ones which were the precessors of today's environment badges (and not widely spread at all).