[-] s20@lemmy.ml 59 points 8 months ago

Man. The guy can grow peanuts, build thousands of houses, kick cancer's ass, and is brilliantly insightful.

No wonder he lost reelection. He's competent. I'm kinda shocked he won in the first place. We didn't deserve him, and we still don't.

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 63 points 9 months ago

Did they go looking doe the most smug, I'm-an-asshole expression possible for that guy, or does he just look like that?

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 80 points 9 months ago

So I'm in the weird position or really, really liking the content of a post, but feeling compelled to downvote it because sir, this is a Wendy's.

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 50 points 9 months ago

I raised my right hand and swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

That wasn't my best decision ever, and I kinda knew it while I was doing it.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by s20@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/4972845

Hey, everyone! I'm what you might call an "intermediate user" I guess, and I usually manage to track down problem on my own, but here goes...

I'm using the Fedora Workstation 39 Beta 1.1, Just installed it and am up and running, Everything is working well, but I have a weird issue in that most (but not all) GTK4 apps are ignoring my Dark Style settings. Nautilus is light, for instance, but Console is not. The Wallpaper follows the light/dark setting, and once I tweaked it, so do the GTK3 apps.

I'm not sure how to provide more info. I have tried gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=1 in ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini which seems to do nothing, I can't find a dbus entry, and I haven't really installed much, other than the adw-gtk3 theme, Gnome Console, and some flatpaks.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Turns out this may be a known error: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/dark-mode-broke-after-last-update-on-fedora-39/89965

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by s20@lemmy.ml to c/fedora@lemmy.ml

Hey, everyone! I'm what you might call an "intermediate user" I guess, and I usually manage to track down problem on my own, but here goes...

I'm using the Fedora Workstation 39 Beta 1.1, Just installed it and am up and running, Everything is working well, but I have a weird issue in that most (but not all) GTK4 apps are ignoring my Dark Style settings. Nautilus is light, for instance, but Console is not. The Wallpaper follows the light/dark setting, and once I tweaked it, so do the GTK3 apps.

I'm not sure how to provide more info. I have tried gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=1 in ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini which seems to do nothing, I can't find a dbus entry, and I haven't really installed much, other than the adw-gtk3 theme, Gnome Console, and some flatpaks.

Any ideas?

ETA: TUrns out I'm not the only one; it may be a problem with the update: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/dark-mode-broke-after-last-update-on-fedora-39/89965

Part of the problem with playing with a beta, I guess...

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 72 points 9 months ago

What the hell? Look, man, I hate the guy but he's remarkably consistent: he works for his interests. Even when he does dumbshit things like buy Twitter, the thinks he's operating in his interests.

He's not complicated. He's a self absorbed piece of shit. That's really all you ever need to know about the fucker.

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 112 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I will cheerfully shit on Amazon every day, which is why shit articles like this piss me off. Amazon does plenty of real harm, but articles like this give this make people think "well, if this is their workplace mistreatment, then it's not that bad."

It is that bad, but this isn't an example of that. This could happen anywhere, to anyone, even the most ethical company/co-op/whatever on the planet. They handled it well. So let's go after them for actual shit instead.

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 100 points 10 months ago

Here's how to turn that off:

  1. Uninstall Google Chrome
  2. Install Firefox, Ungoogled Chromium, or, heck, Vivaldi
  3. Stop trusting Google

There we go, problem solved.

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 80 points 10 months ago

I mean, good call, Canada.

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 287 points 10 months ago

I hate Gen Z

Dude. I have a group that only talks on Facebook Messenger. It's 100% Gen X and Millennials. Don't blame the generation, it just makes you sound like an old man yelling "get off my lawn".

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 63 points 10 months ago

I don't disagree, but they're Canadian...

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 51 points 10 months ago

I recently got into a long, really dumb argument. I used the phrase "lesser of two evils" and what seemed like fifty people (actually two or three) seemed to think that meant I approved of, strenuously endorsed, and would defend the actions of the "lesser evil."

To me, this seemed like a basic misunderstanding of what the phrase meant, so I defined it. Their response to my definition was to say the same sort of thing they'd already said while claiming to totally know what "lesser of two evils" meant.

I lost my cool, and explained what the phrase meant again. One of the folks explained themselves calmly while the others seemed to think I was a congenital idiot because I kept repeating myself.

I don't want this to get any longer, so I'll just say that we were talking past each other. Nobody (well, except fr the one guy who stopped to explain what he meant) was really comprehending what the other person said. So everyone was a dumbass, basically. Story of my life, really.

At least, I think that's what happened. Watch the asshole who called me a liar and an idiot show up here to not explain how I'm a liar and an idiot again.

[-] s20@lemmy.ml 81 points 10 months ago

Well, hell. I guess I'll go back to watching less and buying DVDs. I'm not watching commercials on a service I pay for. That's a non starter.

Worst comes to worse, I can dust off my eye patch, grab my parrot, and take to the high seas. I don't wanna, I prefer to pay for stuff, but ffs, if they can't be reasonable, I guess it's back to arrr me hearties.

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