[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 84 points 6 months ago

“Commercializing pregnancy”

Yeah, allowing my friend living with lupus to have a healthy biological child. They treated the surrogate as a member of the family, even long after the birth. Fuck you, pope.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 83 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Wanting to know why is reasonable but it’s sus that we don’t already know. Why haven’t they made that clear? How did they think they could do this without a solid explanation? Why hasn’t one been delivered to set the rumors to rest?

It stinks of incompetence, or petty personal drama. Otherwise we’d know by now the very good reason they had.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 91 points 7 months ago

Oh wow Andrew Tate is one of them.

Gee, when you look at all these manbaby assholes who cry about being canceled, one thing starts to stand out. They’re all manbaby assholes. Maybe if every canceled person is a manbaby asshole, then getting cancelled is actually about not liking manbaby assholes? And not about killing freedom of speech? It’s just… the pattern is undeniable.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 88 points 7 months ago

I was once employed by a startup that was about to go under, but got a last minute acquisition offer. The CEO pulled me aside at one point and made an observation I’ve never forgotten.

He said “You know, when it looked like the company was going to be a total loss, everyone was really great about it. The VCs told me not to be discouraged, that we’d given it our all. No bitterness or blaming at all. But once the buyout offer was on the table, everyone’s knives came out. Everyone wanted to take the money from everyone else, and get away with as much as they could even if it meant shafting literally everyone else. You’d think people would be at their worst in a time of deprivation but it’s when there’s something to be had that people really show their worst.”

OpenAI is a golden goose right now. I’m not surprised if there’s a lot of knifing happening in its vicinity.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 83 points 10 months ago

It’s hilarious to me that Republicans have now decided that whole generations of Americans are the enemy. They love to shit on millennials especially but any young generation is a weak, woke, twisted mob come to ruin the world. Hating all young people (aside from Kyle Rittenhouse) is not a well-thought-strategy.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 87 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I quit smoking years ago and I really felt like the world wanted me to quit. Indoor smoking at restaurants was being banned. No more smoking section on flights. Movies were no longer depicting everyone with a cigarette in their mouth all the time like they did in the 60s. Many hotels stopped offering smoking rooms. Nicotine patches and gum were available to help.

I felt like trends in the world were behind me and it helped.

Alcohol is a totally different story. Alcohol is not being banned. It is still something almost everyone does. It is allowed at restaurants and virtually everywhere else. Everyone I know drinks. They haven’t cracked down on advertising in the same way. Hotel rooms have booze in the room for you. Airlines bring you drinks. There are no OTC quitting aids.

If someone has an alcohol problem and needs to quit, they’re really going to have a much harder time than quitting smoking.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 77 points 11 months ago

was fine with them

That’s surprising since their rules say that not even fictive under-18 content is allowed:

Posting content involving any person who is under 18 is strictly forbidden. This includes real, drawn, and fictional content.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 88 points 1 year ago

If you have heard the word “intersectionality” but didn’t know what it meant, this gives us a good example.

Feminists will say that women are not treated fairly overall, BUT if you’re a white woman, you might actually have it better than a black man. And if you’re an extremely wealthy white woman, you might even have it better than most men. All the factors combine.

It also works in reverse. Basically a gay black woman might not feel anything in common with Mrs. Walton, despite them both being women, and might easily see her as an oppressor.

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 84 points 1 year ago

My friend’s daughter was born with downs. At age 14 she got cancer, and through treatment fully recovered. Then at 20 she had a stroke and died.

If there’s a god in charge, that god is an incompetent numbskull or just an evil fuck.


These poppies have just been propagating naturally in my yard. I don’t do anything except leave them alone. We got so many this year that we spotted several people stopping to take selfies with them :)

This is the first year I actively gathered these seeds and spread them around my yard to places that poppies don’t just spring up on their own. If we have any kind of rain this winter then spring will be insane.

It’s pretty fun trying to gather these seeds because by the time the seed pods are mature, they’re also bent and flexed, which makes them split and POP and spread their seeds everywhere as soon as you touch them. So you have to grasp the whole pop in your hand quickly to get hold of any seeds. My kids had a blast with that.

The wet winter and spring really made for a wild year here. It’s dry usually so only hardy, opportunist plants tend to survive. But this was such a year of plenty that everything green just WENT FOR IT. Man I hope we get more like that.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by scarabic@lemmy.world to c/gardening@lemmy.world
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by scarabic@lemmy.world to c/gardening@lemmy.world

I guess I thought they were more like distinct biomes but it really is just uniform chunks of temperature range. I also didn’t know that they were defined by the US Department of Agriculture, who created the first such system to help gardeners. There are similar maps for Australia, Canada, and parts of Europe, but no single global system. What’s your zone?

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 85 points 1 year ago

Don’t blame me. I held my nose and voted for her. That was hard. I travelled to a neighboring state to canvass door to door for Bernie’s first campaign. I swore long ago that I would never vote for anyone who authorized the Iraq war, as she voted to do. And I happen to be LGBT, and she has never been much of an ally to us.

I set all that aside and voted for her.

There’s no feeling quite like giving up your dignity for absolutely nothing.


I’ve bought spinach starts in the past and had a great time harvesting spinach all season - just a few leaves off the bunch each time and more would always grow.

But this year I sprouted seeds myself and I was disappointed when they didn’t grow into the nice bunches I had seen before. Just these leggy little plants. They have nice leaves but not many of them.

Should I be sprouting several seeds together? Or just plant a lot of these closer together? Is it an issue of variety? If anyone has thoughts I’d love to hear them. Thanks

submitted 1 year ago by scarabic@lemmy.world to c/diablo@lemmy.world

I had a great year for Romaine lettuce. After learning how nutritious it is, I started a bunch of seeds and they did really well. We had more than we could eat, and after a camping trip I came home to find they’d bolted (see picture). I recommend trying this plant if you have any interest. They are reportedly water intensive but I didn’t find them excessively so. I was also told they will bolt at the first sign of heat but that didn’t happen for me either. They were mature and harvestable for weeks, even with some hot days.


I wanted some color in this part of the yard and I’ve always loved lanatanas. I remember being fascinated by their many geometric shapes even as a kid. But I lost a whole row of them the first time I planted. What little frost we get here, maybe 2 or 3 nights a year, was enough to kill them. I tried again the following year and started earlier. And I blanketed them one or two nights when there was a frost warning. They still lost some foliage but the roots remained healthy and with some pruning they have thrived this spring and summer! I hope they are now on their way to being even stronger. They grow big around here, into full hedges even.


I built this trellis and planted two varieties of honeysuckle in front of it, maybe 7 years ago, thinking they would mingle and mix. One of them, a Japanese variety, took off, and the other barely grew: after 3 years it had scarcely grown from the potted size I bought it at. Then I began pruning it. This seemed counter intuitive: it had much less foliage than I wanted so why cut what little was there? But it stimulated more growth than it subtracted. And a few years later, the two varieties are now of a comparable size in my hedge! I have a calendar reminder of what time of year to go prune and I do it diligently. Lessons learned!


The previous owner of this house planted mint in the ground around this site over 12 years ago and it keeps coming back. It’s not taking over or anything but it persistently pops up here and there. Just amazing how hardy and well adapted to this site it is. Wish everything was this easy to grow :)

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 86 points 1 year ago

Yep the fight for Reddit is lost. All we can do is make an example of them.


For years I’ve been taking a pee jug along when I go camping. I buy a 2-gallon jug of kitty litter and keep the nice wide-mouth jug it comes in. They’re firm plastic and have a nice handle. I keep one right outside my tent for midnight pees. Way easier than hoofing all the way to the bathrooms or whatever.

This time we actually brought the pee back and added it to the compost pile! It’s like two of my hobbies finally came together after years. Huzzah!

[-] scarabic@lemmy.world 82 points 1 year ago

The Verge has been covering the shit out of the Reddit death spiral and I’m so here for it. Good for them.

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